As we move further into the 21st century, Musk's work may well be remembered alongside Nikola Tesla's as that of a visionary who dared to dream big and turn those dreams into reality. Interesting facts: Nikola Tesla died 28 years before Elon Musk was born. Elon Musk renamed the company ...
The Oatmeal 的漫畫家 Matthew Inman 在這幾年來一直都在籌備為現代交流電力系統之父 Nikola Tesla 興建一博物館,雖然 2012 年之時他曾在 Indiegogo 上集得 130 多萬美元,Tesla Moters 的 CEO Elon Musk 當時捐出了 2,500 美元。可是130 多萬美元只是足夠 Inman 買下 Tesla 生前位於紐約 Shoreham 的最後一個...
01开源的马斯克 马斯克以其在创新创业领域的杰出成就和远见而闻名,他常常被称为现代版的托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)和尼古拉·特斯拉(NikolaTesla)(没错,Tesla电动汽车品牌就是向他致敬)。他不仅具有出色的科技和商业头脑,还以勇于挑战传统观念和大胆创新的精神而受到广泛认可和敬佩。 马斯克于1971年出生于南非,后来...
At the Tesla Design Studio in Hawthorne, California, southwest of Los Angeles, Musk detailed an all-electric truck whose claimed features surpassed rumors and expectations. When it hits the road around 2019, it’s expected to have a 500-mile range, a slew of new safety features, and a guar...
Billionaire Elon Musk giving $1M to New York museum preserving legacy of inventor Nikola Tesladoi:urn:uuid:7bff3a21e6727410VgnVCM100000d7c1a8c0RCRDThe billionaire owner of Tesla Motors is giving $1 million to a New York museum dedicated to preserving the legacy of the inven...