近日,一台 Tesla Cybertruck 拖着 Elon Musk 迷因巨型雕塑出现在德州布朗斯维尔。此雕塑的想法由法国科技企业家、ElonRWA 联合创始人 Louis XXII 发起,并由犹他州一家公司制作,高达九英尺,材质选用泡沫和玻璃纤维呈现,外观根据六年前 Reddit 上出现的一张 Elon Musk 丑陋肖像而创作。Louis XXII 强调,这座雕像与 ...
Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克2024年最新采访 | 言论自由 犹太主义 九金学院 1936 0 Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克:特斯拉和他的机器人 cas14111001 229 0 Elon Musk埃隆马斯克:发人深省的讨论-访谈节目 (2023) cas14111001 6608 0 Elon Musk埃隆马斯克的故事-2020谈话节目-第3部分 cas14111001 230 0 Elon Musk | 埃隆...
【中英双语字幕】马斯克 Elon Musk 谈论对于未来的看法以及他处理问题的方式 19:34 【中英双语字幕】那些史诗般的 SpaceX 火箭着陆壮举 12:33 【中英双语字幕】成为 Elon Musk 埃隆·马斯克 26:41 【中英双语字幕】马斯克 Elon Musk 在特斯拉 Tesla 2021 股东大会的发言【完整版】 48:33 【中英双语字幕】那些史诗...
Elon Musk add that the most important product development is actually not a car, butthe Optimus humanoid robot, as it has a higher potential than vehicle business. Of course, development on the Tesla Cybertruck continues as well, witha prototype of the vehicle recently seen at the Giga Austin...
Elon Musk 今天试驾了量产候选版的 Cybertruck,与此同时,一封邮件也被泄露: 由于 Cybertruck 的本质,Ta 是由明亮的金属制成,大多都是直边,因此任何尺寸的变化都会显得很麻烦。 这台车所有的零件,无论是内部研发还是来自供应商的,都需要按照 10 微米以下的精度进行设计和制造。 这意味着所有的零件尺寸必须以毫米为...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has hinted at the possibility for the newly released Cybertruck to make it over to China as a display, though it could be more difficult to get the electric pickup on the country’s roads. In response toXuser Ray4Tesla highlighting recent rumors that the Cybertruck may...
Elon Musk在首次亮相活动中透露Cybertruck的重量为3084.4公斤。 Cyberbeast拥有845 hp的最大马力,Tesla声称它的0-96 km/h加速时间为2.6秒,零四加速时间不到11秒。 600 hp的双马达车型速度稍慢一些,0-96 kgm/h时间为4.1秒时。 虽然我们没有单电动马达车型的动力数据,但Tesla的网站显示它的0-96 km/h加速时间为...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce his intention to open a domestic Cybertruck factory. Musk unveiled the all-electric pickup in November, and said it will start at $39,900. The truck is Tesla's sixth vehicle model since the company was founded in 2003 Tesla co-...
Fortunately, it appears that Tesla will release such a feature for the vehicle. In response to a post on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk confirmed that, yes, the Cybertruck wouldindependently adjust its suspensionto level the vehicle for optimal camping use. ...