Tesla老板Elon Musk终于在美国加州台上公布品牌新车款Cybertruck pickup!你以为一如预计外形没有惊喜?一看到新车即时吓一跳呀!虽然惊多过喜,但都佩服品牌的创新,难怪发布会门外还摆放了一部《回到未来Back to the Future》时光机啦!车价$39,900美元起。 称为Cybertruck,或可叫作CYBRTRK,车身就是一个三角形,在...
至于Elon Musk口中的Model Y(确实车名未决定),其实是一部类似Model X的「细车」,所以应该会有一对鹰翼式车门,另外它的尺码会跟Model 3差不多,角色就如Model S及Model X一样,在Model 3之外再多一个选择。
Tesla CEO Elon Musk 日前在Twitter 宣布,被他称为Cybertruck 的Pickup(图片) 小货车将会在11 月21 日,于洛杉矶SpaceX 火箭生产基地附近一处发表。美国近年兴起Pickup 热潮,是SUV 以外另一款备受消费者欢迎的车款,所以外界对Tesla 发表Pickup 相当期待。 Tesla 一直对Pickup 的内外设计三缄其口,就连官...
elon musk’s pickup truck tease: what could it be? at first glance, the picture looks like it depicts the cargo bed of the unreleased truck. but when inverse raised the brightness of the render using photoshop, it actually made image more perplexing. if it was indeed the tesla pickup’...
Teslais still a couple of years away from selling a pickup, but Elon Musk is already talking smack about other trucks. Musk was tweeting about how Tesla’s Autopilot feature reduces driver fatigue, whenDodge RamOwner wrote: “You would still be physically fatigued if you tried to haul 12,...
Elon Musk’s “Cyberpunk” Tesla Pickup Truck has received its latest render from the electric car community, and this time around, the concept image might actually be pretty close to the vehicle that is set to be unveiled next month. This is due to the render being based on Elon Musk’...
We all know electric cars alone are not carbon neutral, but having a lineup made exclusively out of EVs certainly gives Musk an advantage over Ford in that respect. And Tesla is ahead on the third point as well wi...
Musk 在计划中指出,除了刚发布没多久的 Model 3,特斯拉还将在未来发布一款紧凑型 SUV 和一款皮卡(轻便型客货两用车,Pickup Truck)。 事实上,这三种车型正是在美国销量较高,市场最大的车型。2015 年美国汽车销量排行榜显示,排名前三的分别是福特 F 系列、雪佛兰 Silverado 和道奇 Ram,均为高排量皮卡;前十名里...
Elon Musk opened the metaphorical curtains on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 21, tounveil Tesla’s new Cybertruck. This is the fourth model in the Tesla range, and the only one aimed squarely at the largest-selling sector of the U.S. automotive market. The truck raised eyebrows at launch...
Elon Musk is serious about plans for a Tesla pickup truck, and says it’s going to look like something out of the sci-fi movie “Blade Runner.” Musk announced plans for a Tesla pickup truck as far back as April 2017, saying in a Twitter post that the vehicle would be unv...