x.AI的追求:Musk对现有AI项目如OpenAI和Google Gemini的批评,提出x.AI的目标是最大化真理和好奇心,避免政治正确的影响。 对AI监管的观点:Musk认为对大型AI模型进行某种形式的监管是必要的,最重要的是确保AI的诚实和准确。 SpaceX的未来计划:包括在五年内将无人驾驶星舰送上火星,以及在十年内实现人类登上火星的目标。
Elon Musk 在这次对话中展现了他作为思想家和未来学家的深邃视角。他不仅仅是在讨论 AI 的技术层面,更是在探讨 AI 如何与人类的价值观和未来愿景相结合。不仅是对 AI 技术的一种前瞻,也是对人类未来的一种希望。Musk 的洞察激发我们去思考,在 AI 的快速发展中,如何找到技术与人文的平衡点,如何确保 AI 的...
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Musk has secured thousands of graphics processing units, systems that power the computing required for intensive tasks such as AI and high-end graphics, from Nvidia Corp, according to FT. Shares of the chip company, which declined to comment on the matter, gained on the news on Friday. Musk...
解读:在这里 Elon Musk 已经回答了 Lex Fridman 关于人类如何应对 AI 威胁的问题。他提到对 AI 进行监管的必要性和迫切性,其实他一直在大声疾呼,但与伦理对基因编辑技术的约束性类似,这项措施对于贪婪的人类来说是最弱的,而且终有一天会失控被突破。第二条出路就是现在 SpaceX 正在做的火星计划:将人类送上火星...
当地时间4月8日, 特斯拉 CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在X Space的访谈中预测,到明年或2026年,人工智能的智慧可能会超过世界上最聪明的人类。 马斯克当天与挪威财富基金CEO尼古拉·坦根(Nicolai Tangen)进行了对谈。当被问及通用人工... 网页链接
A short 🧵on why we're calling for this - (1/8) — Future of Life Institute (@FLIxrisk)March 29, 2023 The futurist collective,backed by Musk, previously stated ina 2015 open letterthat they supported development of AI to benefit society, but were wary of the potential dangers. ...
Elon Musk said, “Probably none of us will have a job. If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you can do a job.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually eliminate all jobs but this is not necessaril...
Elon Musk's AI chatbot Grok 3 was caught temporarily censoring information about its own creator and US president Donald Trump over the weekend. The controversy began when users discovered that when asked who spreads the most misinformation on X (formerly Twitter), Grok's reasoning process explicit...
X.AI, an artificial intelligence startup founded by Elon Musk, has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in an equity offering