Elon Musk 在这次对话中展现了他作为思想家和未来学家的深邃视角。他不仅仅是在讨论 AI 的技术层面,更是在探讨 AI 如何与人类的价值观和未来愿景相结合。不仅是对 AI 技术的一种前瞻,也是对人类未来的一种希望。Musk 的洞察激发我们去思考,在 AI 的快速发展中,如何找到技术与人文的平衡点,如何确保 AI 的...
Elon Musk said, “Probably none of us will have a job. If you want to do a job that's kinda like a hobby, you can do a job.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually eliminate all jobs but this is not necessaril...
Tesla Latest
x.AI的追求:Musk对现有AI项目如OpenAI和Google Gemini的批评,提出x.AI的目标是最大化真理和好奇心,避免政治正确的影响。 对AI监管的观点:Musk认为对大型AI模型进行某种形式的监管是必要的,最重要的是确保AI的诚实和准确。 SpaceX的未来计划:包括在五年内将无人驾驶星舰送上火星,以及在十年内实现人类登上火星的目标。
X.AI, an artificial intelligence startup founded by Elon Musk, has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in an equity offering
社交媒体公司X,曾经是Twitter的身影,现在由埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)掌舵,他自称为“言论自由绝对主义者”。然而,当反数字仇恨中心(CCDH)发布了一系列报告,揭露了平台上的仇恨言论、疫苗错误信息,以及新纳粹分子和白人至上主义者等被禁止用户重返该平台的情况时,广告商开始对该平台保持距离。这些报告据称导致X...
Major names in the technology and political world will be there. They range from Tesla CEOElon Musk, whose private jet landed in the U.K. late Tuesday, to U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris. Musk is attending on behalf of his AI startup xAI. ...
看过自传后更倾向于他是一个intj。原因如下:1. 在自传里,他前妻明确说过他内心里一直是一个没有...
(1) Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252 - YouTube 这样的Podcast其实是视频访谈录 Elon Musk不用多介绍了~ Lex Fridman简介如下:Lex Fridmanis a Russian-Americancomputer scientist,artificial intelligenceresearcher, andpodcasthost. Outsid...
Elon Musk < >, Sam Altman < >, Greg Brockman < > Date:Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 9:06 AM Subject:Fwd: congrats on the falcon 9 The article is concerned with a hard takeoff scenario: if a hard takeoff occurs, and a safe AI is harder to build than an unsafe one, then by opensorucin...