Consumer product:In the long term, Musk and company are aiming for a brain interface for the masses, not just the severely ill—the kind of thing you’d “recommend to family and friends,” according to a neurosurgeon who showed up to the Neuralink event in scrubs. This rem...
Musk: Twitter Child Porn Failures ‘A Crime’ But just as the Q movement under Trump did reveal some good intel on the pedophile network, although it was wrong to trust that the billionaire Globalist Trump was actually doing to do something about that when there is ample e...
Elon Musk, la tête pensante deTeslaet deSpaceXqui avait envoyé son Roadster dans l’espacevient d’annoncer un nouveau projet : la construction d’un dragon cyborg. L’entrepreneur milliardaire de la high-tech a fait cette annonce viaTwitteret si beaucoup pensent à une sombre blague, les...