CEO 范文:Tesla 公司里某员工恶意改代码并将数据泄露出去;很多人想弄死 Telsa,请大家保持警惕,发现同事有可疑行径的,要及时向组织汇报。谁想弄死 Tesla?石油行业,传统汽车公司,华尔街操短线的那帮人。周日晚上,特斯拉首席执行官艾伦·马斯克向所有员工发送了一封电子邮件,声称公司内部有一名破坏分子。马斯克称这...
2016 年,在发动机测试之前,SpaceX 火箭发动机爆炸后,Musk 和 SpaceX 首席运营官兼总裁 Gwynne Shotwell 也研究了破坏的可能性。 Tesla 不同部门的几名员工确认收到了 CNBC 的电子邮件。 特斯拉目前正在加大生产力度,以便在 6 月底之前实现之前宣称的每周 5000 台 3 型 机的生产目标。上周,特斯拉宣布进行广泛的...
Elon Muskis not holding back when it comes to his new orders for employees. The billionaire has reportedly ordered employees at both Tesla and Space X to bid farewell to working remotely and return to the office stat. If the employees don't comply, they'll have to find a new job, acco...
On Sunday evening, Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent an email to all employees at the electric vehicle maker saying the company would have to "rally hard" to hit "record deliveries" for the quarter. Musk, and sometimes other Tesla execs, typically send "everybody" emails in the final week of ...
Tesla has not confirmed the emails’ authenticity, but Musk responded on Twitter to someone who shared the emails and said "they should pretend to work somewhere else." The workers must also report to a main office where employees are based, not "a remote branch office unrelated to the job...
Tesla is cutting 10% of its salaried employees CEO Elon Musk wrote in an email to all employees there on Friday.
In a second email to staff,Musksaid “everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week”. He clarified that the “office” cannot be “some remote pseudo office” and that if people fail to show up in person, “we will assume you have resigned”....
“No one can join Tesla, even as a contractor, until you receive my email approval,” Musk wrote in an email to all employees at the automaker.
Elon Musk’s message to Tesla employeesechoes some of his past tweetsabout the EV maker’s workforce. Musk, despite being the face of the company, actually gives a lot of credit for Tesla’s achievements to its employees on a regular basis. ...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told employees Thursday in an email that he will personally review all of the company’s expenses going forward in an attempt to cut costs.