2022年10月27日,马斯克现身 Twitter 的旧金山总部,还发布了一则他抱著洗手台(sink)走进大楼的影片,并写下“走进推特总部,好好理解一下这件事吧(let that sink in)。”甚至把个人推特帐户简介改“Chief Twit”推特老闆!而在10月28日,Twitter 确认移交至马斯克名下,网路上也陆续出现他本人与推特员工在...
In the video, Musk repeats the joke, laughing while saying, "You just can't help but let that sink in." In a sign further indicating his purchase has gone through or is set to go through, Musk alsochanged his Twitter bioto read: "Chief Twit." ...
George Chen, stand-up comic and host of “Talkies”: His most successful numerical-naming joke was “X Æ A-X12” [the name of Musk’s child with the musician Grimes]. ‘Let that sink in’ Last October, after he finally completed his acquisition of Twitter, Musk brought a well-known...
Let that sink in 5 The question, though, is how easily his approach can be transferred to government. 但问题在于他的方法能多容易地转移到政府中。 6 In his private fiefdom Mr Musk is free to be ruthless, within limits. 在他的私人领地里,马斯克可以在一定限度内自由地采取残忍手段。 7 As a ...
2022年10月27日,马斯克现身 Twitter 的旧金山总部,还发布了一则他抱著洗手台(sink)走进大楼的影片,并写下“走进推特总部,好好理解一下这件事吧(let that sink in)。”甚至把个人推特帐户简介改“Chief Twit”推特老闆! 而在10月28日,Twitter 确认移交至马斯克名下,网路上也陆续出现他本人与推特员工在总部咖啡...
收购限期届满前夕Elon Musk现身Twitter总部 Tesla创办人马斯克(Elon Musk)以440亿美元收购社交平台Twitter前夕,他10月26日突然现身该公司总部,未知是否与收购战有关。美联社报道,马斯克在Twitter上载到访该公司总部的片段,并大玩「食字」游戏——他手持洗手盘(sink)到场,附上一句「let that sink in」(让它渗...
【TED2022大会|中英字幕】埃隆·马斯克 Elon Musk 谈为何收购Twitter, Tesla的发展史, 以及自己是如何思考的 1143 -- 42:17 App 特斯拉之前的埃隆·马斯克的生活🚗 The Life Of Elon Musk Before Tesla | Full Biography 200 -- 15:41 App Elon Musk 推荐阅读的10本书 1.1万 5 1:35 App 大瓜来了,马...
This was epitomized by Musk physically carrying a bathroom sink into Twitter HQ, which he has recently taken ownership of, as a play on the common phrase "let that sink in". It was, of course, a publicity stunt, but he might also have been making a comical point from the fact that ...
We're back. Let that sink in. — The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee)November 18, 2022 Kathy Griffin The comedian was thrown off Twitter November 6 after sheimpersonatedElon Musk, changing her Twitter name to his. After Griffin was banned, Musk announced a new Twitter ...
Musk posing as the world’s richest prop comic, announcing his takeover by lugging a kitchen sink into the office: “Entering Twitter HQ—let that sink in!” (181.2K retweets, 43.6K quote tweets, 1.3M likes.) A fleet of Teslas in the parking lot. Musk’s intimidating security ...