Billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he has formed a new artificial intelligence company called xAI, which has hired researchers from Google, OpenAI and other top technology firms. The goal, Musk tweeted, is "to understand reality." xAI is a separate entity from Musk's other busine...
Elon Musk has announced the launch of a new AI company, xAI, with a mission to“understand the true nature of the universe.”The company is separate from Musk’s other businesses, such as Tesla and Twitter, but will work closely with them. Musk’s AI Ambitions Musk has been vocal about...
“The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe,” according to the website. The team is headed up by Elon Musk and includes team members that have worked at other big names in AI, including OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, and DeepMind (which was...
Elon Musk has announced xAI, his new AI-focused company, with the goal of understanding “the true nature of the universe.” The company will work closely with Musk’s other companies like Twitter and Tesla.
xAI, Elon Musk’s newly formed AI company, has revealed itself with a new website detailing its mission and team at Musk tweeted the company’s intent is to “understand reality” without any other details or explanation. “The goal of xAI is to understand the true natur...
特斯拉和 SpaceX 首席执行官、Twitter 所有者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk)周三宣布成立一家新的人工智能公司 xAI,其目标是“了解宇宙的真实本质”。据该公司网站称,马斯克和他的团队将于周五在 Twitter Spaces 现场聊天中分享更多信息。 xAI 背后的团队成员都是 DeepMind、OpenAI、谷歌研究院、微软研究院、Twitter 和 Te...
Elon Musk’s AI companyxAIreleased its latest language model,Grok 2, on Tuesday, introducing powerful image generation capabilities that have flooded (formerly known as Twitter) with controversial content. Within hours of its launch, users reported a deluge of AI-generated images depi...
Elon Musk 的公司 xAI 自述是一家研发人工智能以加速人类科学发现的新公司,使命是增进我们对宇宙的集体理解。 昨天,Elon 进一步解释了这个使命的价值: 物理学有许多强大的推理工具来理解和预测现实。这些工...
马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布成立了一家新 AI 公司 xAI,其宗旨是理解宇宙的真实性质。xAI 招募了曾在 DeepMind、OpenAI、 Google 研究院、 微软 研究院、 特斯拉 和多伦多大学工作过的研究人员。xAI 在一篇官方博客文章中称,它的团队曾参与并领导了 AI 领域最重大突破的研发,其
Elon Musk has created a new company called xAI, which appears to be working on a competitor to OpenAI’sChatGPT. The site forxAIwent live today with an official announcement of the company’s formation. “The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature of the universe,” the page says...