Elon MuskBy: Walter IsaacsonNarrated by: Jeremy Bobb, Walter IsaacsonLength: 20 hrs and 27 minsRelease date: 09-12-2023Language: English Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson - Audiobook - Audible.comhttps://www.audible.com/pd/Elon-Musk-Audiobook/B0BX4SCV1V Publisher's summary From the author of...
Gates looked at me as if the answer was obvious: he thought that by shorting Tesla he could make money. That way of thinking was alien to Musk. He believed in the mission of moving the world to electric vehicles, and he put all of his available money toward that goal, even when it ...
[传记]英文学习 埃隆·马斯克 马斯克传 Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson共计20条视频,包括:Part1、Part2、Part3等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
The book leaves no stone unturned, offering a detailed and well-rounded portrait of this visionary entrepreneur.Humanizing the Genius:Isaacson's writing shines in its ability to humanize Musk, a man often seen as an enigmatic genius. The book delves into Musk's personal struggles, his successes...
很佩服Walter Isaacson , 有勇气接这本书的合同,更通过内容展示出他最独特的传记书写。我读到一半,总是忍不住想最开头写Elon Musk童年,探讨的问题:关于Elon Musk为什么要离开妈妈(安全的环境),选择去爸爸(危险的环境)那边。Walter Isaacson 维持跟Steve Jobs一样的写法,每个读者都能读到不一样的东西。对比Duncan...
《埃隆·马斯克传 英文原版 Elon Musk 精装版 Walter Isaacson 乔布斯传作者 沃尔特·艾萨克森 赠送音频》,作者:埃隆·马斯克传 英文原版 Elon Musk 精装版 Walter Isaacson 乔布斯传作者 沃尔特·艾萨克森 赠送音频Walter 著,出版社:Simon,ISBN:9781982181284。
That’s what Elon Musk, Walter Isaacson‘s 2023 biography, is for.Here are 3 lessons from the book to better understand one of the most interesting and successful humans of our time:Elon Musk suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, and we should remember this fact when judging him. Use Elon’...
作家Walter Isaacson的新傳記《Elon Musk》中稱馬斯克認為洛杉磯私立中學Crossroads把兒子變成了馬克思主義者和變性人。"馬斯克的反覺醒情緒部分是由他16歲的大兒子澤維爾的變性決定引發的。"。 澤維爾出生時...
金色财经报道,美国当代的传记作家、《乔布斯传》的执笔人Walter Isaacson已完成《Elon Musk传》,预计年底上市。 Walter Isaacson将其中关于马斯克收购推特的章节提前在华尔街日报刊登了出来,还原了许多台前幕后的独家桥段。其中包括,马斯克考虑推出一个基于区块链的新社交媒体平台,其中包含支付功能,这个想法来自他的好朋友Kimb...