Elon Musk has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). AUTONOMOUS AND USER CONTROLLED VEHICLE SUMMON TO A TARGET ...
Elon Musk is founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX among other companies. Read about his net worth, children, ex-wives, age, home country, DOGE position, and more.
READINGANDWRITING A ProfileofElonMuskElonMuskis a businessman,inventorandengineerandisundoubtedly,oneoftheleadingfiguresintheworldoftechnology.MuskwasborninPretoria,SouthAfricain1971. A giftedchild,hetaughthimselfhowtoprogrammecomputersattheageof 12.HewasacceptedtouniversityintheUnitedStateswherehecompleted a de...
The early life of Elon Musk Ever since he was a child, Elon would get lost in daydreams about inventions. He taught himself computer programming at just 10 years old. Two years later, he created and sold his first video game Blastar for $500. He even tried to open his own video game...
Elon Musk has slept on the factory floor in order to help Tesla succeed in its operations. That is true dedication in the face of difficulty. A Legacy of Innovation Both Elon Musk and Nikola Tesla embody the spirit of innovation and the relentless pursuit of advancing human knowledge and capa...
Many people do not know of Musk's interest in comics but I think it is important to talk about it. Many people do not know how comics can inspire people and I believe it is important to make that fact known. Reading comics can be the birthplace of some great inventions in the future...
Elon Musk has made over 500+ million dollars from his inventions. You’re not going to have to work in order to live off of money you make from your inventions, because you are not working. 3 Success Lessons from Elon Musk –Always ask “why not” ...
"We named @Tesla after Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest engineers ever," Musk said in a social media post on Dec. 27, as part of an ongoing argument among supporters of President-elect Donald Trump about the value of immigration visas. "He was a penniless immigrant whose inventions led ...
The inventions of Elon Musk have greatly promoted the development of _. A. 先水上与同下科可叫难段再能知十极严专先水上与同下科可叫难段再能知十极严专space exploration先水上与同下科可叫难段再能知十极严专先水上与同下科可叫难段再能知十极严专 B. 现值书强活象现值书强活象fashion ...
Bored Elon Musk comes up with thoughts and inventions from Elon Musk in his downtime. A futuristic, hyper-parody account, Bored Elon currently lives on Mars.