The Bob Musk was referring to is Disney CEO Bob Iger. Big names like Disney, IBM, and Apple halted their X ad spending in part because of concerns regarding pro-Nazi content on the platform, along with Elon Musk seeming to support an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory on X. The ...
Elon Musk has said running Twitter has been "quite painful" and "a rollercoaster", in a last-minute interview with the BBC. Read the transcript here.
Elon Musk took the stageat the DealBook conference on Wednesday eveningwith nervous laughter and a cascade of jokes about himself and his companies. But the interview quickly turned to the more serious subject of Musk’s recent antisemitic posts on X (formerly Twitter) and whether his compa...
DealBook Summit 2023 Elon Musk Interview https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rC4y1y7fV https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/dealbook-summit-2023-elon-musk-interview-transcript
the platform formerly known as twitter. and he has a simple message for those companies, which include disney, apple, and ibm: “go fuck yourself.” musk, speaking wednesday night at the new york times ’ dealbook summit, said that advertisers with concerns about his conduct should stop ...
After the successful groundbreaking of the Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai, Elon Musk gave a short interview to the Chinese media (full-text transcript and video)
Elon Musk has always been a visionary, it seems. A video interview with him from the 90s has emerged where he shares his thoughts about a new and mysterious new technology called ‘the internet’. While many thought it would be a passing fad or just of use to tech nerds, Musk knew bet...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk sat down for a sprawling interview with CNBC anchor David Faber on Tuesday following Tesla's 2023 annual shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas. The full interview is available to PRO subscribers here. During the course of their approximately hourlong conversation, Musk reflected...
“My proceeds from PayPal after tax were about $180 million,” Musk said in a 2018 interview. “$100 (million) of that went into SpaceX, $70 (million) into Tesla, and $10 (million) into SolarCity. And I literally had to borrow money for rent.”22 ...