不远处,一群小科学家也在埋头研究人工智能、代码编程和火焰喷射器。他们的平均年龄只有 10 岁,就读于一所名叫 Ad Astra 的学校。这些是他们的日常课程。学校的创始人,正是 SpaceX 的老板 Elon Musk。「我们让孩子动手去拆发动机」Ad Astra 的名字来自拉丁语,意思是「to the stars」,通往星星。听起来就很...
最近在硅谷很火的Make School就是一个“去规模化”的数字时代的专业学校, 由Ashu Desai和Jeremy Rossma...
还有一点很特别:Ad Astra学校的课程不包括语言、艺术和体育。之所以不学习语言, 是因为Elon Musk认为,...
有人说Musk是乔布斯之后的乔布斯,但这个评价都可能显得有所保留。Musk在大学时,他曾租一幢12个房间别墅并转为夜店,有时甚至会一个晚上接待500名客人。 Musk attendedWaterkloof House Preparatory School,Bryanston High School, andPretoria Boys High School, from which he graduated. Musk applied for a Canadian ...
Elon Musk的教育背景同样不凡,他曾就读于南非的Pretoria Boys High School,在那里他既面临着严峻的学术挑战,也要忍受同龄人的欺侮。尽管遭受挫折,Musk的求知欲却从未减弱,他经常被发现沉迷于电子计算机和科学幻想小说中,从中寻找着逃避现实的出口和启发创造力的源泉。这些阅读给了他对世界的另一种理解,引发了他...
Elon Musk, a top supporter of former President Donald Trump, was at Ridley High School for a town hall on Thursday.
Elon Musk is a Business Magnate and the founder of SpaceX, who is best known as the co-founder, the CEO of Tesla Inc. He is known for being the key member of PayPal, Hyperloop, SolarCity, OpenAI, The Boring Company, Neuralink, and Zip2. ...
Part 1: 词汇篇 打包一:#语境习词# To get a fast Internet connection, Musk struck a deal with Ray G...
Elon Musk, the creator of SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, worn born in South Africa in 1971. This book paints an unforgettable picture of Musk’s unique personality, insatiable drive, and ability to thrive through hardship. ...
Elon Musk is a symbol of passion,hard work and success.A person may work hard in his