To be precise, it wasElon Musk’s Tesla Roadstermounted to a Falcon Heavy upper stage, which boosted into orbit around the Sun on Feb. 6, 2018. The car — which had been owned and driven by Musk — was a test payload for theFalcon Heavy’s first flight…. (15)PREPARE FOR THE ZOMB...
In addition to his propensity for innovation and the introduction of significant ideas, Elon Musk is also known for his high energy and ambition, neither of which he shows any signs of sharing with those around him. Last year, for example, he officially deployed SpaceX’s twelfth Falcon 9 ...
I’ve been wondering how Elon Musk has evolved: How did he go from a conventional Obama-era liberal who worried about climate change and wanted to go to Mars to a right-wing conspiratorial meme lord, working to elect the far-right in Germany and shred the federal government in the United...
In June, Elon Musk announced that Tesla waslaying offnine percent of its workforce. However, its production department would remain intact. In an email to employees, Elon Musk explained his decision to eliminate some duplication of roles as an understandable way to cut costs. He admitted now it...
But as AngelList noted when it recently flagged the Musk video in its weekly newsletter, Musk’s dismissive attitude toward academic accolades should also serve as a reminder to young people that, if you put all your energy into grades and diplomas, you’re almost certainly not focusing enough...
Elon Musk Quotes on Innovation, Technology, Future 30. Innovation should evolve. “It’s important to create an environment that fosters innovation, but you want to let it evolve in a Darwinian way.You don’t want to, at a high level, at a gut level, pick a technology and decide that...
如同很多超级富豪一样,厄兹曼夫妻投身太空竞赛,与闻名天下的SpaceX伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)、维珍银河(Virgin Galactic)理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)等人争一日之长短。 埃伦一直很低调,别说中国读者不认识她,连很多美国人都不知道她是谁,甚至至今仍有很多人把内华达山脉公司当成加洲的内华达山脉精酿啤酒公司(Sierra...