The show about a theme park in the futuristic wild west controlled by artificial intelligence stars Musk’s former wife Talulah Riley. The innovation mogul, who is known to express his penchant for all things science fiction on Twitter, tweeted a flirtatious but slightly risqué congratulations to...
Inside Talulah Riley's soaring net worth: How much did the actressmakefrom her divorce from Elon Musk? An accomplished English actress,Talulah Rileyis otherwise known as the world's richest man,Elon Musk's ex-wife and their exorbitant divorce. Riley has credits in movies likePride & Prejudice...
Since Elon Musk bought Twitter and took it private, and renamed it to X, it has become his own bully pulpit to promote his own views, which have all of a sudden been views that reflect Republican Conservatism in the U.S., leading most on the “Right” to proclaim...
WHEN ELON MUSK challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a cage fight on Twitter, it seemed entirely in-character for the attention-seeking CEO—simply another outlandish idea on which he would never follow up. But the possibility of a billionaire brawl hasn't gone away: Zuck posted footage from his own...
The CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX called Scott a “super rich ex-wife who hates her former spouse” in a since-deleted post. Musk’s criticism seemed to come from Scott’s donations to organizations thataddress issues of raceand gender,Business Insiderreported. ...
YouTube is being flooded with fake livestreams from imposter SpaceX channels featuring an AI-generated Elon Musk speech. The purpose of these fake livestreams? To steal cryptocurrency from unsuspecting targets. Mashable first became aware of these streams thanks to a tip from the iOS developer ...
Elon Musk is a man who believes that it’s his duty, as self-determined intelligent person and objectively wealthy person, to procreate. He’s said in the past that the greatest threat to civilization is depopulation. At least one of his baby’s mothers has said that he believes that “...
Elon Musk’s former property in California, Gene Wilder’s home, is back on the market for $12.95 million. Muskfinanced 95% of Gene Wilder’s housewhen he sold it a few years ago. Wilder’s nephew Jordan Walker-Pearlman and his wife Elizabeth Hunter were able to purchase the home throug...
Elon Musk has continued his attacks on Sir Keir Starmer overnight, branding the prime minister "evil". The billionaire owner of X also nicknamed the PM "Squirmy Starmer", and suggested he will be gone from his post "soon", like Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. ...
A forthcoming book about Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter includes a hilariously telling anecdote about the billionaire's first impression back when he initially encountered the site. In their soon-to-be-released book "Character Limit," the New York Times' Ryan Mac and Kate Conger recounted that...