虽然不是一个火焰喷射器的名字可能是准确的(文章地址:,但这个故事告诉我们,当全世界的警察看到你拿着枪形的装置时,尤指能喷射火焰的,他们可能不会和你一起嘲笑埃隆滑稽的项目想法。他们最后可能会逮捕你。 对我...
对于火箭是否能发射成功,Elon Musk曾表示,它可能在发射后或者进入轨道前就爆炸。 雷锋网了解到,上周三,Falcon重型火箭刚完成点火测试。如果此次发射成功,火箭运载的特斯拉Roadster或许真的能够在太空中翱翔。 除了SpaceX这边的消息之外,Elon Musk作为Boring Company的CEO,还宣布公司出了一款“喷火器”(Flamethrower)。该款...
Just four days after Elon Musk announced that he would be selling a limited edition The Boring Company flamethrower, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO has confirmed that all 20,000 units of the fiery device have been sold. Since pre-orders for The Boring Co. flamethrower opened, the device immediatel...
Musk alsoannouncedthat purchasers of these $500 flamethrowers—or whatever he winds up calling them—will come packaged with a free Boring Company fire extinguisher. They'll alsocomewith individual serial numbers. Related Stories Facing possible ban, more Americans are buying new—and lega...
特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)通过旗下的无聊公司(Boring Company)推出其首款香水“烧焦头发”(Burnt Hair),其售价为100美元,将于2023年第一季度出货。 马斯克将此款香水介绍为“地球上最棒的味道”,同时将Twitter个人介绍改为“Perfume Salesman”配合本次香水的发售。
The Boring Co. Not-a-Flamethrower was launched by Elon Musk earlier this year. The devices, which Musk dubbed as a “super terrible idea,” were sold for $500 each during a limited run of 20,000 units. All 20,000 Not-a-Flamethrowers were sold out within four days, raising $10 milli...
Elon Musk正式推出首款香水 特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)通过旗下的无聊公司(Boring Company)推出其首款香水“烧焦头发”(Burnt Hair),其售价为100美元,将于2023年第一季度出货。 马斯克将此款香水介绍为“地球上最棒的味道”,同时将Twitter个人介绍改为“Perfume Salesman”配合本次香水的发售。
Isobel Asher Hamilton
Musk tweeted early Thursday that the company had sold its last remaining flamethrowers, just five days after they went on sale.