Musk has been outspoken about what he calls a looming "population collapse," arguing that declining birth rates pose a greater risk to civilization than climate change.39This stance has drawn even more attention to his own family life: he has 13 children with multiple partners, including three ...
“我想这一精神在梅耶和卡耶和我身上都在流传。这也将是我们传承给我们孩子的精神”他补充道,“给他们以无限的自由,去做任何他们想做的事。” 原文链接: 关于转载 如需转载,请在开篇显著位置注明作者和出处(转...
orbit, Tesla selling a million cars, and him becoming the richest man on earth—Musk spoke ruefully about his compulsion to stir up dramas. “I need to shift my mindset away from being in crisis mode, which it has been for about fourteen years now, or arguably most of my life,” he ...
Elon MuskChapter 3 CanadaChapter 4 Elon’s first start-upChapter 5 Paypal mafia boss这三章应该是Elon Musk创业经历中对于最为苦逼的一段经历。从第一家搜索黄页公司到paypal被ebay收购,Elon从白手起家的车库创业者走到了开豪车住豪宅接受诸多媒体采访传授赚钱心得的创业大佬。Chaper3 Canada主要讲述Elon只身一人...
Musk. She kept a blog detailng thr couple's family life, which provided a window of opportunity for those who really wanted a peek ubside Musk's psych. However, her blog soon turned into one of Musk's worst nightmare. At the same time, SpaceX's second lunch attempt failed. People ...
This doorstep-sized book provides a gripping account of Mr Musk’s extraordinary life.这本大部头书生动地描述了马斯克非凡的人生经历。But it is hard to escape the feeling that the story of Elon Musk is still only half told.但我们难免会觉得,埃隆·马斯克的故事还只讲了一半。(恭喜读完,本篇...
To be precise, it wasElon Musk’s Tesla Roadstermounted to a Falcon Heavy upper stage, which boosted into orbit around the Sun on Feb. 6, 2018. The car — which had been owned and driven by Musk — was a test payload for theFalcon Heavy’s first flight…. ...
Elon Musk: In 2002, The Musk Foundation was formed – a grantmaker in the areas of science and engineering education and renewable energy. Elon has also become a trustee atX-Prize Foundationwith a focus on clean energy. In 2015, he donated $10 million to the Future of Life Institute in ...
Elon Musk has welcomed another son, Seldon Lycurgus, just one week after an influencer claimed that her 5-month-old son is Musk’s 13th child. The X owner has six children with his ex-wife Justine Wilson. Their first child, a boy named Nevada, died as an infant. Musk later welcomed ...
Musk’s Texas ambitions extend beyond family and into his company empires, making his Austin mansion cluster feel like the real-life headquarters of a science-fiction empire. It’s unclear whether Musk’s “compound” will ultimately be moreDynastyorStar Trek, but one thing’s for sure: the ...