Mr Musk, who has changed the name of the business to X Corp, said the replacement "should have been done a long time ago". He posted an image of a flickering X on Twitter, and later in a Twitter Spaces audio chat, replied "Yes" when asked if the Twitter logo would change. Linda ...
作者: 马斯克(Elon Musk)的Twitter已经正式将标志改为 X。但此事有可能演变成了一场商标噩梦。X 是一个常见的名字,很早就有人申请了类似的字母商标,在社交媒体领域Facebook母公司Meta就拥有一个 X 商标。微软早在 2003 年申请了 X 商标,主要适用于游戏服务。微软的游戏串流服务 Mixer 使用了 X 标志,该服务在 ...
Elon Musk把推特twitter蓝鸟Logo换成了狗头(狗狗币基因?)…看上去更像fox。马斯克发了条与网友互动内容--“正如所承诺的”。此前曾有网友建议Musk买下推特后把Logo换成狗头。 Elon Musk 天生就是营销高手,省了...
Elon Musk 将他的 Twitter 名称从 Elon Musk 更改为 Lorde Edge 企业家埃隆马斯克将他的推特名称从埃隆马斯克更改为 Lorde Edge。该商家尚未对此做出任何解释。 此外,马斯克改变了“居住”一栏,选择了一个名为特罗尔海姆的地点。服务中昵称和居住地的变化发生在马斯克邀请推特粉丝选择特斯拉10%股份的命运之后。这位企...
Elon Musk has unveiled a new X logo to replace Twitter’s famous blue bird as he follows through with a major rebranding of the social media platform he bought for $44 billion last year. The X started appearing at the top of the desktop version of Twitter on Monday, but the bird was ...
Elon Musk has unveiled a new “X” logo to replace Twitter’s famous blue bird as he follows through with a major rebranding of the social media platform he bought for $44 billion last year.
On Sunday,Musk declared that Twitter will be rebrandedas X and turned to the site’s community to commission a new logo. “If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we’ll make [it] go live worldwide tomorrow,” Musk wrote. That night, Twitter user Sawyer Merrittoffered up an X log...
RELATED:Twitter logo changing from bird to 'X', Elon Musk says Musk had asked fans for logo ideas and chose one, which he described as minimalist Art Deco, saying it "certainly will be refined." He replaced his own Twitter icon with a white X on a black background and posted a pictur...
Elon Musk said that he plans to change the logo of Twitter to an “X” from the famous blue bird.
其中一只鲸鱼卖出了价值 9520 万美元的 DOGE,另一只鲸鱼卖出了 2860 万美元。 关于埃隆马斯克是否通过更改 Twitter 的徽标故意抬高狗狗币价格以便他可以处置其持有的股份的猜测在社交媒体上继续存在。 根据Lookonchain 的数据,在本周价格大幅上涨的情况下,五个最大的 DOGE 鲸鱼中的两个售出了价值超过 1.2 亿美元的 ...