路透社2月8日电——亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克表示,他对收购TikTok不感兴趣。TikTok是一款广受欢迎的短视频应用,由于其中国所有者字节跳动引发美国国家安全担忧,美国一直试图封禁该应用。 Musk's comments, made in late January, were released online Saturday by The WELT Group, a part of the German media company ...
“I have not put in a bid for TikTok,” Musk said. “I don’t have any plans for what would I do if I had TikTok.”
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said he is not seeking to acquire TikTok, clarifying that he has not made a bid for the app. Speaking at a conference, he mentioned he does not use TikTok and is unfamiliar with its features. Musk added that acquiring companies is not typical for ...
埃隆马斯克表示,他对购买短视频服务 TikTok 不感兴趣。这位商人在上个月在德国举行的一次会议上首次评论了这个问题,该会议由德国媒体集团 AxelSpringer 的负责人 Mathias Doepfner 组织。图片来源: x.com/elonmusk “我没有提出收购 TikTok 的报价。如果我有 TikTok,我不知道我会怎么做,“马斯克说,并指出他个...
【消息称 TikTok 有意寻求 Elon Musk 收购以避免美国禁令】 由于资安等多方考量,美国当局在去年 4 月通过一项法案,要求 TikTok 母公司字节跳动在 1 月 19 日之前将 TikTok 美国业务出售,否则将面临全面禁用。...
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)说,他不购买Tiktok。昨天,媒体巨头阿克塞尔·斯普林格(Axel Springer)首席执行官马蒂亚斯·多普纳(Mathias Doepfner)在德国会议上进行了远程讲话时,埃隆(Elon)关闭了他正在关注流行的短视频应用程序的谣言。 “我还没有竞标tiktok,”埃隆说在视频通话中很明显。 “如果我有Tiktok,我没有任何...
Elon Musk says he has not put in a bid for TikTok, the popular social media platform that is facing a divest-or-ban law.
2月9日,据有关报道,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在一场技术峰会的线上发言视频在网络上引起热议。在这段视频中,马斯克首次就TikTok收购问题公开发声,明确表示他“对收购TikTok不感兴趣”。 马斯克直言:“我并未参与TikTok的竞购,也从未有过收购TikTok的计划。”此番言论无疑为近期围绕TikTok未来归属的种种猜测画上了句...
Elon Musk has not (yet) commented on the report, to either confirm or deny that he's interested in acquiring TikTok. However, in April 2024, before he jumped on the Donald Trump bandwagon, he did post on X decrying the potential US ban. So, now that he's about to be part of the...
with Musk for the billionaire, as one of U.S. president-elect Donald Trump’s closest allies, is deemed to be a key role in the ultimate fate of TikTok. One scenario that has been debated by Beijing is that Musk’s social media X, formerly Twitter, would take control of TikTok ...