Elon Musk’s Purchase Of Twitter Has Been So Bad It’s Financially Comparable To The ’08 Financial Crisis byEric ItalianoAugust 20, 2024 3:28 pm Algerian Boxer Imane Khelif Suing Elon Musk And J.K. Rowling For Cyberbullying, Donald Trump To Also Be Investigated ...
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 宣布了这一消息,以回应巴里·韦斯 (Bari Weiss)。他是 Free Press 的创始人,声称 Twitter 员工“建立黑名单”以“防止不受欢迎的推文成为趋势”。推特此前否认影子禁令 Elon Musk 的推文尤其重要,因为 Twitter 此前曾否认影子禁令。例如,在一篇题为“人们问我们是否影子禁令”的博文...
Elon Musk Tweets Groundbreaking Twitter Transformation Idea: Charge Governments Gizmodo|12 hours ago Now the Tesla CEO says he might charge businesses and governments for tweeting. In a tweet late Tuesday, which seem to be his preferred ...
Elon Musk将Twitter转型为X,现又计划将X进一步升级为XXX X平台已正式开放成人内容。近日,X(前身为Twitter)对其服务条款进行了调整,明确允许用户发布成人内容。在此次规则变更之前,该平台虽存在一条非正式规定,允许用户上传此类内容,但既未明确允许也未明确禁止,处于模糊地带。如今,只要内容是经用户自愿且合法,...
Recent Update: Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and updated his Twitter bio to "Chief Twit." Twitter Can Sell Itself to Elon Musk for $43 Billion: eAskme Ed Ludlow has shared this infroamtion in his following tweets: More from filing: On July 8, 2022, the Reporting Person's advisors se...
Elon Musk, enemy of ‘open borders,’ launched his career working illegally - The Washington Post by @faizsays @NickMiroff & me https://t.co/kGdHW0prJm— Maria Sacchetti (@mariasacchetti) October 26, 2024 Reactions: ...
Elon Musk noted in a post that the weekly update rule is simply a way to know if anything was accomplished by Twitter employees.
转自互联网, 视频播放量 25647、弹幕量 13、点赞数 427、投硬币枚数 38、收藏人数 314、转发人数 156, 视频作者 __BB慈善家__, 作者简介 ,相关视频:查理辛和丹妮丝理查兹的女儿萨米澄清了她的性工作者工作,埃隆·马斯克以两篇已删除的推文警告世界不可想象的事情!,【业
lon Musk 对 Twitter 如何使用 $DOGE 作为支付方式提出了建议 周六(4 月 9 日),多产的 Twitter 用户和狗狗币 ($DOGE) 倡导者埃隆·马斯克 ( Elon Musk ) 是特斯拉和 SpaceX 的首席执行官,他就如何改进Twitter …
Yeah… fuck Musk https://twitter.com/x/status/1594469982150488066 Anytime a Kanye post comes across my timeline, I just reply with pics of Pete Davidson and Kim. I've got one where Pete is wearing Adidas so it's even funnier...