even as global EV sales rose 7.3%. They also say Musk's political activities risk alienating consumers, while protests have erupted at a number of Tesla dealerships across the U.S. over his proximity
虽然Tesla电动汽车充斥街头,但似乎作为一家企业并不太顺遂,有外国媒体指Tesla股价在今年几乎下跌了30%,应该与电动汽车相关的负面新闻,还有Tesla CEO Elon Musk的决策反复无常有关。为了推动新车销售,Tesla不得不借助广告宣传,然而这做法跟Elon Musk的想法背道而驰。这名Tesla CEO曾经在2019年于Twitter发帖,简单...
A new survey has found that almost two-thirds of car buyers say they are put off from buying a Tesla EV as a result of the brand's controversial founder and CEO. Over the last few years, Elon Musk has become more politically involved, buying social media site Twitter and renaming it X...
特斯拉(Tesla)是由伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在2003年创建的一家美国电动汽车和能源公司。公司的名称来自于物理学家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)。 特斯拉首先推出了电动汽车——特斯拉路线。它是一款高性能的全电动汽车,拥有长续航里程、独特的设计和先进的科技。随着时间的推移,特斯拉推出了越来越多的汽车型号,既有高端...
Registrations in Germany fall 59% amid consumer backlash against Musk’s political activism Expand Tesla sales have slumped across Europe. Photograph: Felix Odell/The New York Times Thu Feb 06 2025 - 11:03 Sales of Tesla’s electric vehicles have fallen sharply across many of its key European...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has now suffered his third straight quarterly decline in sales in the key EV market of California. Apu Gomes—Getty Images Elon Musk’s continued gripes with California, where more than one in five new cars sold are electric, is losing him customers to Rivian. ...
Tesla is the world's most valuable carmaker, with a stock market valuation of more than $1tn.特斯拉是全世界最有价值的汽车制造商,市场估值超过1万亿美元。Mr Musk's trust sold almost 3.6 million shares in Tesla, worth around $4bn.马斯克的基金会卖掉了他在特斯拉的近360万股股票,价值约40亿...
ElonMusk 2024-8-2 10:12 有朝一日,特斯拉将每秒制造一套电驱系统 One day, Tesla will make a drivetrain per second @特斯拉 特斯拉的首个“1000万”里程碑🎉 全球第1000万个电驱系统在上海超级工厂下线 特斯拉重新定义电驱系统 从零开始自研自产🧐 ...
CEO Elon Musk says he won't sell any more shares in Tesla for 18 months or more, likely an attempt to comfort shareholders of the electric vehicle company who have watched the stock lose nearly half of its value since Musk's ...
China will become the largest market for Tesla, said Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of the electric carmaker, in an exclusive interview with China Media Group (CMG) on the sidelines of the 2021 China Development Forum that concluded on Monday. "China, I think in the long term...