特斯拉:失控的董事会 马斯克(Elon Musk)旗下的电动汽车制造商特斯拉(Tesla Inc.,TSLA)的董事会成员曾陷入两难境地。 风险投资家Steve Jurvetson曾在特斯拉长期担任董事,在一项内部调查发现他曾与科技行业的多名女性上床并使用非法药物后,他离开了这家公司。 其中一些细节在2017年被媒体大肆报道,据知情人士透露,特斯拉的...
Elon Musk insists Tesla isn’t a car company,也许如Musk说像Uber、Airbnb,或人工智能机器人公司,核心的问题是特斯拉何时实现L4/L5的无人驾驶,如UBS分析师所说怀疑2030年前都实现不了:$比亚迪(SZ002594)$$特斯拉(TSLA)$1. Musk emphasized over and over again on the earnings call that investors shouldn'...
特斯拉发布消息称,爱彼迎(Airbnb Inc.)联合创始人Joe Gebbia加入董事会,该任命自9月25日起生效。 在甲骨文创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)卸任独立董事刚刚三个月后,特斯拉公司任命爱彼迎联合创始人乔·吉比亚(Joe Gebbia)为新董事。现在,特斯拉总共有8名董事,包括CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和他的兄弟金巴尔·马...
Musk vs George Clooney:乔治·克鲁尼对《时尚先生》抱怨说他曾拥有过一部特斯拉,但是总在路上抛锚,这就是他为什么改开雷克萨斯的原因。Musk 听到后在 Twitter 上回应。“另一个新闻,乔治·克鲁尼说他的 iPhone 1 在 2007 年有一个 Bug。” 崇旭_Ken 23:373 年了,腾讯终于决定碰朋友圈这座金矿 郎启旭 00:...
Elon Musk, co-founder and chief executive officer of Tesla Inc. Patrick T. Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images Elon Muskwants to find a way to help the thousands ofmigrant childrenwho are being separated from their parents at the U.S. border thanks to the Trump administration's new "zero...
At Tesla's annual meeting in Austin, Texas, the vote in support of the compensation plan, doesn't override the court's ruling, but provides a public relations victory for Musk and could help his effort to sway a court to give him his performance options in the future. ...
Elon Musk is entering the energy trading scene with a new Tesla Energy software asset called Autobidder, which would allow both providers and consumers to exchange their energy capacity. The software is currently being used to run the company’s new battery farm in South Australia. Electrek ...
Musk added that during the first meeting of the committee, he raised the travel ban and"climate"as issues despite them not being on the agenda. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick resigned from the same advisory committee last weekin response to mounting pressurefrom industry, saying his presence on the ...
Elon Musk 【维也纳】人工智能校对平台Proofcheck获得50万欧元融资,简化工作流程Proofcheck是一家总部位于维也纳的人工智能初创公司,在内容质量保证领域引领了一场由法学硕士推动的革命,公司已在一轮种子轮前融资中筹集了50万欧元,本轮融资由BackBone Ventures的早期德国-瑞士5502基金领投。本轮融资的其他参与者还包括由合...
Tesla’s board took minimal action in the wake of those episodes. It replaced Musk as chairman and named two new independent directors as required by the settlement of fraud charges brought by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. It could face more litigation over its handlin...