The alternative Simplified Mode offers a single feed, more like Twitter or Facebook. There is also a chat link for support and conflict resolution. Trust Cafe Trust Cafe only lets you advance if others trust you. Screenshot: Trust Cafe Trust Cafe is a revamp of a social network previously ...
Elon Musk 将他的 Twitter 名称从 Elon Musk 更改为 Lorde Edge 企业家埃隆马斯克将他的推特名称从埃隆马斯克更改为 Lorde Edge。该商家尚未对此做出任何解释。 此外,马斯克改变了“居住”一栏,选择了一个名为特罗尔海姆的地点。服务中昵称和居住地的变化发生在马斯克邀请推特粉丝选择特斯拉10%股份的命运之后。这位企...
Elon Musk将Twitter转型为X,现又计划将X进一步升级为XXX X平台已正式开放成人内容。近日,X(前身为Twitter)对其服务条款进行了调整,明确允许用户发布成人内容。在此次规则变更之前,该平台虽存在一条非正式规定,允许用户上传此类内容,但既未明确允许也未明确禁止,处于模糊地带。如今,只要内容是经用户自愿且合法,...
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 去年 12 月对 Twitter 用户进行了民意调查,询问他是否应该辞去首席执行官一职。Jonathan Raa/NurPhoto 来自 Getty Images 的照片插图 当马斯克完成对 Twitter 的收购时,它结束了公司令人分心的戏剧性篇章——并开启了动荡和混乱的旋风。 去年 11 月,马斯克裁掉了 Twitter 大约 50% ...
lon Musk 对 Twitter 如何使用 $DOGE 作为支付方式提出了建议 周六(4 月 9 日),多产的 Twitter 用户和狗狗币 ($DOGE) 倡导者埃隆·马斯克 ( Elon Musk ) 是特斯拉和 SpaceX 的首席执行官,他就如何改进Twitter …
Just bought a new car 5 months ago, decided to get an EV, ruled a Tesla out completely because Musk is a dangerous plank. What's mind-blowingly stupid is that Musk is courting the far right, who are notoriously anti-EV. He's spitting in the face of the demographic who buy his ...
But that's whatElon Muskwants you to do to visit the site formerly - in his mind at least - known asTwitter. Nine months afterthe world's richest man bought one of the world's most popular social media platforms, the major rebrand he has long threatened has be...
Elon Musk's Twitter Lifts Ban on Political Ads More Reuters Figurines with smartphones and computers are seen in front of the Twitter logo in this illustration, November 28, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration By Sheila Dang (Reuters) -Twitter Inc will reverse its 2019 ban on political ads...
Twitter alternatives for the Musk-averse Now that the 2024 US presidential election is over, Musk looks like he’s going to be at least one of thepowers behind the throne. Add to that recent changes that havemade X less safe to use, and it’s no surprise that there is now a new wav...
Twitterbecame X months ago, but nowTwitter.comis also The URL change cementsElon Musk's rebrandingof the social media app since his takeover. In July of last year, Twitterofficially shed its iconic bird logoand its name, with X replacing it all. ...