也有好消息。2023年12月1日,发布4年后,特斯拉电动皮卡Cybertruck终于在美国德州超级工厂启动交付。第三方数据统计显示,Cybertruck预订数量超过200万辆。价格战没有赢家 马斯克发起了一场电动汽车价格战,但看起来,连特斯拉自己都无法收场。2023年,特斯拉平均价格下调约25%。Model 3从4.8万美元跌至4.438万美元,Mod...
Musk was born and grew up in South Africa, the son of a South African engineer and a Canadian-born mother who has worked as a New York City dietitian and modeled for fun. His father inspired his love of technology and Musk bought his first computer at age 10 and taught himself how to...