埃隆·马斯克创立Ad Astra 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)认为当前学校的教学方式不符合到孩子未来的需求,在这个技术日新月异的时代里,当前学校教育已经完全过时了。为此他为他的孩子和 SpaceX 员工的几个孩子开办了自己的学校,叫做 Ad Astra。在拉丁语中,Ad Astra 的意思是星星。 图片取自芬兰作家的《19 世纪的芬兰》...
Isobel Asher Hamilton
BOSTON (AP) — College photos of Tesla CEO Elon Musk and memorabilia from his girlfriend at the time sold for $165,000 at auction, a Boston auction house said Thursday.
2、We would love to know about your family. Please give us a sense of what you are looking for in a school and what you hope to find at Astra Nova. No more than one page, please. Please think of this as a ...
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的 Ad Astra School 未来教育 |The Future Education 不可不知的埃隆·马斯克 埃隆·马斯克,真实版的钢铁侠,特斯拉(Tesla)和SpaceX的首席执行官兼创始人,连续两次获得世界最具创新性人物。他手持最具科幻感的大男主剧本,在商业上获得了令人难以置信的成果,铁粉遍及全球。
Founder at Tesla, Inc., Discover Elon Musk's known position history, network and 99 relationships. Find out about his known public assets.
Being born on 28 June 1971, Elon Musk is 53 years old as of today’s date 15th January 2025. His height is 1.88 m tall, and his weight is 82 kg. Career Elon Musk is a business tycoon who is associated with some of the richest brands in the world. He currently holds the title of...
因为对正规学校的教育不满意,Elon Musk从孩子的学校挖来了一位老师帮他开设这所只面向SpaceX员工子女的学校:Ad Astra(通往群星)。没有年级之分,这所学校教给14名学生的,不是单纯的知识和工具,而是解决问题的思路。 学校的名字叫做 Ad Astra,翻译成英文的意思是「to the stars」。这个名字来自一句拉丁语名言:坎...
advantage of his mother’s Canadian citizenship and set out for North America. At age 17, Musk was on his own in Canada where he attended school for two years. From there, Musk earned scholarships to attend the University of Pennsylvania where he earned bachelor’s degrees in physics and ...
Musk graduated with a bachelor's degree in physics and a second bachelor's degree in economics from theWharton School. The two majors foreshadowed Musk’s career, but it was physics that left the deepest impression.15 “(Physics is) a good framework for thinking,” he would say later. “...