Musk founded Space X 10 years ago and spacetravel has always been one of his goals for the company.Few details were provided about the Martian voyage,but Musk did say we can expect to hear more about theplan in less than a year.The price for a trip to Mars also highlights(突出)Musk'...
‘I’d like to buy two of your biggest rockets, but you can keep the nuke.’ That’s a lot more. That was 10 years ago, I guess. They thought
【#Elon Musk# 预言,10年后人类语言将被淘汰】Elon Musk在《乔罗根的经历》节目上表示,人机结合技术「Neuralink」(直接植入颅内)也许明年就会问世,能用来修复所有和脑部相关的疾病,「这个机器新脑除了可以把癫痫治好,人跟人之间可能也不再需要说话沟通,语言本来就会是过时的东西,就连不知道怎么发音的新生儿名字也会...
Caltech Commencement Address byElon Musk Friday, June 15, 2012 * * * * I'd like to thank you for leaving 'crazy person' out of your introduction. [Laughter]. I was trying to think what's the most useful thing that I can say to be useful to you in the future. And I thought, ...
10 years ago, one SpaceX launch showed NASA they could work with Elon Musk By Allie Hutchison Crypto-SavvyFeb. 20, 2024 Will Dogecoin reach 1 dollar in 2021? Here's what you need to know By Jack Delahunty gravity free lunchFeb. 20, 2024 Nostalgia is the future of space food By Sarah...
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)12岁的时候编写了一个名为Blastar的视频游戏,并以500美元卖出。他出生于南非,17岁的时候,他觉得自己想要留在美国,然后独自一人,在没有住处,没有工作的情况下飞到加拿大,并在农场里靠辛苦劳作和清理锅炉为生,半工半读,19岁进入大学,获得经济学和物理学两个学位。
世界首富Elon Musk和小仙女Grimes去年12月通过代孕秘密获得他们的第二孩子!Grimes在最新杂志专访里说,在第一次怀孕出现问题后,通过代孕获得第二个孩子,是个女儿,和他们第一个孩子名字''X Æ A-12''一样,女儿也拥有一起不寻常的名字叫''Exa Dark Sideræl Musk'',小名叫Y。 ...
The Tesla CEO and the "Aquaman" actress open up about their rocky relationship in Musk's new biography.
以下是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的10条人生建议: • 努力工作:马斯克强调,成功的关键在于超级努力地工作。他曾提到,如果你醒着的时候都在工作,那么你的公司一年内做的事情将是别人的两倍。 • 网罗最优秀的人才:马斯克认为,如果你要创立一家公司,最重要的是吸引优秀的人才。公司就是一群人聚在一起创造出产品...
That was 10 years ago. They thought I was crazy, but, I did have money. [Laughter] So, that was okay. [Laughter] After making several trips to Russia, I came to the conclusion that, my initial impression was wrong about not enough will to explore and expand beyond earth and have a...