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This rating system is what persisted in ranking gamers prior to season 3, but the term stuck closely with the community for those needed a way to have their arena scores/rating boosted, resulting in what many in LoL would commonly search for as "elo boosting". PlayerGuardian Buyer ...
League of Legends, abbreviated "LoL", is a very popular multiplayer battle arena game that launched in 2009. It has since grown into one of the most played games in the world and is a leading title in eSports. Whether you're new to the game or an experienced player, these basic guides...
League of Legends Cheat.League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arena) in the world, but it can be difficult to get good. League of Legends has a complex set of rules and lots of in-game nuances that make it difficult to understand. This is where...