AIDA模型1898年,美国艾里亚斯·路易斯(E.St.Elmo Lewis)提出把广告效果分为四个阶段:注意attention >兴趣interest >欲望desir
1908.Financial advertising: for commercial and savings banks, trust, title insurance, and safe deposit companies, investment houses. 1904.The credit man and his work. How to cite this article: Van Vliet, V. (2012).Elias St. Elmo Lewis. Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www...
Capital Funds, Inc. v. Securities and Exchange Commission, 348 F.2d 582 (8th Cir. 1965); S. E. C. v. Culpepper, 270 F.2d 241 (2d Cir. 1959); S. E. C. v. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, 209 F.2d 44 (3rd Cir. 1953); Mines and Metals Corp. v. S. E. C., 200 F.2d 317...