English Elm Tree Homestead Elm Tree Golden Elm Tree Old Elm Tree Winged Elm TreeTree Pictures - Recent AdditionsChristmas: Xmas Tree's Lights & Decorations Trees & Birds: Unique Bird Houses Magnolia Flower: Pretty Spring Blooms Trees: Damage by Ice Storm Pictures of Trees: Mediterranean ...
“I thought the cypress was a flower,” said Malcolm. “So one kind of cypress is,” replied his governess–“the blossom of an airy-looking and beautiful creeper; but the name also belongs to a family of trees. The white cedar, or cypress, is a very graceful tree which generally grow...
Leaf Alternate, 3 to 6 inches long, 1 to 3 inches wide; margin coarsely and sharplydoubly serrate, the base of leaf conspicuously inequilateral; upper surface glabrousor slightly scabrous, paler and downy beneath. Flower Appears from March to May before leaf buds open, in fascicles of 3 to...
PURPOSE: A health supplementary food composition containing sunflower seeds, Euonymus alatus, elm tree roots and barks, Artemisia capillaris or the like as a main component is provided. It improves immunity and inhibits the growth of cancer cells without causing adverse side effects to the human ...