省略句(elliptical sentence)指通过省略部分可从语境中推断的词语而形成的句子结构,其核心功能在于精简表达、增强语言效率。
elliptical sentence定义Elliptical sentence(省略句)是英语语法中一种通过省略重复或语境明确的内容来简化表达的特殊句式,其核心特征为“语义完整但结构省略”。下文将从定义核心、省略内容、使用条件、分类方式及与完整句的对比展开说明。 一、定义核心:语义完整性与结构缺失并存 省略句...
elliptical sentence定义 Anne的英语课堂 elliptical sentence,即省略句,是指为了避免不必要的重复,保持句子简洁,在语境成立的情况下省略某些句子成分的句子。这种句子结构在英语中非常常见,它可以使语言更加流畅和自然。 类型分类: 语篇省略和情景省略:通常用于连接两个独立的句子或段落。 简单句省略:例如,使用“and”...
elliptical sentence ph. 0. 【语】省略句 (省略句是省略主语、谓语动词或从句的句子) 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程 手机号码吉凶
elliptical sentence “elliptical sentence”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 固定词组 ph. 0. 【语】省略句 (省略句是省略主语、谓语动词或从句的句子) 相关词语 ellipticalsentence
LESSON #11.01: Special Topics: Elliptical Sentence (简短句子)(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) A. GeneralAn elliptical sentence (or truncated sentence) is where some words, which can be inferred from the context, are deliberately omitted. B. Subordinating Conjunction + 1 of 6 Stru...
网络省略句 网络释义 1. 省略句 英语语法术语_百度文库 ... 祈使句 imperative sentence省略句elliptical sentence感叹句 exclamatory sentence ... wenku.baidu.com|基于194个网页 释义: 全部,省略句
This is an elliptical sentence It may be rewritten like this: The triathlon maybe great for those who watch it, but how come the triathletes are willing to suffer so much physical hardship?───这项比赛对于观看者来说固然带劲,但究竟是什么让铁人三项的参赛者如此折磨他们的身体呢? On Elliptical...
省略句讲解(Elliptical sentence explanation) 1. definition of ellipsis Ellipsis is a grammatical figure of speech in order to avoid repetition, highlight new information and closely link the context. Ellipsis is a very common phenomenon in language, especially in conversation. 2. omission of ...
elliptical sentence with the omitted objectcontextThe article deals with the elliptical sentences connection to the context. The article refers to the use of the sentences with the omission of the principle or subordinate parts of the sentence. Incompleteness of the sentence, its dependence to the ...