1, the flow measurement has nothing to do with the flow of the fluid, it is because the oval gear flowmeter is depend on the measured medium pressure head driving elliptical gear rotating and measure. 2, the greater the viscosity of the medium, from gear and measuring the less empty cleara...
1, the flow measurement has nothing to do with the flow of the fluid, it is because the oval gear flowmeter is depend on the measured medium pressure head driving elliptical gear rotating and measure. 2, the greater the viscosity of the medium, from gear and measuring the less empty cleara...
Moreover, due to inertial effects, a high-pressure core forms at the head to counteract fluid reaction forces, while the dolphin’s body and fin surface are covered by a blue low-pressure field. Starting from (n + 3/4)T to (n + 1)T, as the pectoral fins approach their upper limit...
The drawback of this approach is the extremely high computational overhead. The complex and multi-physical nature of EHL results in a high number of parameters involved in this problem, covering the geometry and material properties of the contacting solids, their kinematics, the applied load, and...
This paper proposes an Elliptical Rotor Scraper Pump (ERSP) to address traditional displacement pump defects, such as complex structures, poor self-sealing, low volume utilization, and considerable noise, etc. The ERSP utilizes a swing scraper instead of one rotor in a conventional multirotor pump ...
D, leads the pressure tube pressure on both sides of the fluid column pressure head should keep balance;E, pressure pipe installation in the temperature gradient and temperature fluctuation zui small place.3, measuring the liquid flow rate, differential pressure transmitter shall be installed beside ...
V: velocity measuring head, m/s ΔΡ: probe flowmeter flowmeter to measure differential pressure, Pa Rho: density measured medium, kg/m3 Kv: coefficient of flow meter Differential pressure flow meter, according to the following formula to calculate the flow: Q = alpha beta gamma AV x 3600 ...
1, the probe of section shape: for child head form of power, the delta for class a diamond, type of diamond cut in can make the high and low area boundary is more obvious. Taking the position of the hole, probe rod: power and total pressure of the hole in the front, static pressur...
Through a large number of experimental tests, the instrument coefficient K of the vortex street measuring head is determined. The formula is as follows: K0 = f/V Where: k0-measuring head instrument coefficient, (1/m); V point - measures the velocity at the head point, (m/s). ...