a galaxy with an overall elliptical or spherical shape and no arms or internal structure 例句 释义: 全部,椭圆星系,椭圆形星系,椭球形星系 更多例句筛选 1. Besides the dark dust, NGC 7049appears similar to a smooth elliptical galaxy, although featuring surprisingly few globular star clusters. 除了暗...
elliptical galaxy [iˈliptikəl ˈɡæləksi] 释义 椭圆星系 行业词典 天文学 椭圆星系又称 :椭圆星系(E galaxy)椭球状的星系。按视形状自圆而扁依次分为E0、E1……直至E7共八个次型。
elliptical galaxy发音 意思翻译 [天]椭圆星系;椭圆星云 相似词语短语 elliptical galaxies───[天]椭圆星系;椭圆星云 elliptically───adv.省略地;椭圆形地 ecliptically───黄道 elliptical orbit───卫星椭圆轨道;椭圆轨迹 elliptical spring───椭圆形弹簧 ...
Galaxy银河系 n. 星系 We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the universe. 我们还不知道宇宙中有多少个星系。 ellipticala. 椭圆的 adv. 省略的,省略结构的 sub elliptical近似椭圆 最新单词 corneal descemetocele的中文解释角膜后弹性层膨出 ...
The meaning of ELLIPTICAL GALAXY is a galaxy that has a generally elliptical shape and that has no apparent internal structure or spiral arms —called also elliptical.
单词elliptical galaxy 释义elliptical galaxy See galaxy
Elliptical Galaxy Gallery: Black Holes Stir Up GalaxiesEducation
An elliptical galaxy is a galaxy classification used in the Hubble Classification System. Discover what classifies as an elliptical galaxy by exploring the definition, examples, and facts on the normality, size, and formation of these galaxies. Definition Galaxies come in a variety of shapes and ...
哈勃音叉图 (1)椭圆星系(Elliptical galaxies) 椭球形的星系,符号为E. 按椭率大小的增加分为E0、 E1...E7八个次型。 n=10(a-b… wenku.baidu.com|基于82个网页 2. 椭圆银河系 椭圆银河系(Elliptical Galaxies):显现於吾人视线上的外表为椭圆的形状,由略近圆形而至长椭圆形,用英文字母「E」表示 … ...
Messier 87 - M87 - Elliptical Galaxy M87 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy that's a prominent member of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. It's one of the largest and most luminous galaxies known and a strong source of electromagnetic radiation, particularly radio and X-ray emissions. At the ...