line-height:1.4em;/*3 times the line-height to show 3 lines*/height:4.2em; overflow:hidden; } p::after { content:"..."; font-weight:bold; position:absolute; bottom:0; right:0; padding:020px 1px 45px; background:url(
<TabAtkins> emilio: I dont' thi8nk we want line-clamp to cause multipass layout <TabAtkins> andreubotella: you need it for auto, that's "as many lines as fit". not purely a paint-time info <TabAtkins> andreubotella: unless it is in gecko? <TabAtkins> emilio: you clamp the inner...
CSS 很早就有 build-in 方案 for 省略号 ellipsis 了. 但是只能 one line, 遇到多行的时候只能用 JS. 后来出了 line-clamp 终于把 multiple line ellipsis 解决了. 参考: stackoverflow – Limit text length to n lines using CSS Can I use line-clamp Multi-Line Truncation with the New Line Clamp P...
xiaody / react-lines-ellipsis Star 616 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Simple multiline ellipsis component for React.JS react-component ellipsis Updated Jul 13, 2024 JavaScript pablosichert / react-truncate Star 587 Code Issues Pull requests React component for truncating multi-line ...
3. The text is exactly 3 lines Benefits 1. Pure CSS 2. Responsive 3. No need to recalculate on resize or font’s load event 4. Cross browser A couple things to watch out for Unfortunately this solution also has some drawbacks:
css & bottom border CSS ellipsis 单行 .single-line{ width: 462px; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 多行 .multi-lines{ width: 462px; display: block; overflow: hidden; white-space: normal; ...
--- 二、解决方案 1、单行文本 设置下面 css 即可: white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow:ellipsis; ---...2、多行文本 React项目中可以使用 react-lines-ellipsis插件解决,非常方便。...// 1、安装 npm install --save react-lines-ellipsis// 2、使用 import LinesEllipsis from 'react...
constResponsiveEllipsis=responsiveHOC()(LinesEllipsis) //then just use ResponsiveEllipsis Loose version This is a non-standardized css-based solution for some webkit-based browsers. It may have better render performance but also can be fragile. Be sure to test your use case if you use it. See...
/* styles for '...' */.block-with-text{/* hide text if it more than N lines */overflow:hidden;/* for set '...' in absolute position */position:relative;/* use this value to count block height */line-height:1.2em;/* max-height = line-height (1.2) * lines max number (3)...
css 赞收藏 分享 阅读4.6k发布于2020-02-23 Zilan 0声望0粉丝 引用和评论 注册登录 获取验证码 新手机号将自动注册 登录 微信登录免密码登录密码登录 继续即代表同意《服务协议》和《隐私政策》