Sharing his story.Elliot Pagerecounts his experience coming out as transgender in the public eye in his new memoir,Pageboy. TheJunostar, 36, announced the tell-all book — which hit shelves on Tuesday, June 6 — via Instagram in December 2022. “Writing a bookhas come up a f...
06 October 2024 After the flurry of ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ reposts making the rounds on Instagram over the last couple of weeks — even though it’s now well-known that they were fruitless— I think it’s worth pointing out that Meta isn’t necessarily the problem. Measure, Adapt, Repeat ...
“变性”完又后悔了?这可怎么办啊? 图片 先给大家介绍一下事件的主人公 名叫克洛伊·科尔(以下简称克洛伊) 如今17岁,她的原生性别是女生 图片 根据克洛伊自己的描述 在她11岁的时候 就开始用起了Instagram 她在ins上看到了很多LGBT(跨性别者)的内容 以及一些关于跨性别者的激进言论 她发现原来作为一个LGBT 可以...
2020年12月,佩奇在Instagram上宣布自己是“跨性别者”时,正在多伦多修养,刚刚接受了皮下乳房切除术。 在那之前的几个月里,他考虑了很多,关于自己和未来的路,在反复斟酌的声明中,他告诉大家,自己已经成为一名“跨性别者”,名字从此是Elliot Page,并且是“他”,也对那些支持自己的人表示了无比感激。 他写道,“我...