1994. Sediment transport in Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, NWT, Canada, 1990 - 1991. Arctic and Alpine Research 26:213-226.Lewkowicz A, Wolfe P (1994) Sediment transport in Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, NWT, Canada, 1990- 1991. Arct Antarct Alp Res 26:213-226...
The dense and diverse tundra and wetland vegetation in parts of the Hot Weather Creek region does not conform to polar desert or semidesert vegetation expected from the meager amount of precipitation recorded there. Comparisons between differing biological and geomorphological responses to the summer cli...
Ellesmere Island, largest island of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Baffin region, Nunavut territory, Canada, located off the northwest coast of Greenland. The island is believed to have been visited by Vikings in the 10th century. It was seen in 1616 by th
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Remember that no two polar voyages are alike, since each expedition presents new opportunities and different weather and ice conditions. While this voyage has no fixed itinerary, our objective is to visit as many of the incredible highlights the season has to offer, using our extensi...
I’ve been able to see all these things happen – like the glaciers melting and the weather patterns changing – but I wish I hadn’t.”Play soundFullscreen “It’s not just the scientific results that I’m very proud of. Perhaps the greatest pride I have, and some of the best ...
R. W. Mason and his team installed a grid of markers for an aerial survey, but unfortunately the Royal Canadian Air Force Air Photography Wing was unable to make the necessary flights on account of poor weather conditions. General climatic observations and detailed micrometeorological studies were...
C. Eocene paleolatitude, climate and mammals of Ellesmere Island. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 30, 349–362 (1980). 38. Environment Canada, National Climate Data and Information Archive (2004) Available at: www.climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca (Date of access:19/11/2015). 39. ...
奥克尼island of orkney 北安普顿Northampton 奥克姆oakham 奥本oban 奥尔德伯里Oldbury 奥尔德姆Oldham 奥马Omagh 奥克尼岛Orkney 奥平顿Orpington 彼得伯勒Peterborough 德得黑德Peterhead 彼得斯菲尔德petersfield 波塔当Portadown 波特里portree 波特鲁什港portrush 波特斯巴potters bar 波厄斯郡Powys 滨海绍森德southend on sea 蒂斯河...
The climatic signal in varved sediments from Lake C2, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. J. Paleolimnol. 16, 227-238.Hardy DR, Bradley RS, Zolitschka B (1996) The climatic signal in varved sediments from Lake C-2, northern Ellesmere Island, Canada. J Paleolimnology 16:227-238...