1972. Depth distributions of benthic polychaetes in two fiords on Ellesmere Island, N.W. T. - J. Fish. Res Bd Can., 29: 1319-1327.Curtis MA (1972) Depth distribution of benthic polychaetes in two fiords on Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. J Fish Res Bd Can ada 29:1319-1327...
Arctic Canada Thomas A. Stidham1 & Jaelyn J. Eberle2 Fossils attributable to the extinct waterfowl clade Presbyornithidae and the large flightless Gastornithidae from the early Eocene (~52–53 Ma) of Ellesmere Island, in northernmost Canada are the oldest Cenozoic avian fossils from ...
Ellesmere Island, largest island of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Baffin region, Nunavut territory, Canada, located off the northwest coast of Greenland. The island is believed to have been visited by Vikings in the 10th century. It was seen in 1616 by th
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Most sightings information of Atlantic walruses in Kane Basin come from late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Arctic expeditions with aerial surveys seldom being performed in this area and none being conducted to date in waters around northern Ellesmere Island—a largely understudied area overall....
Urban PopulationAdolescentSections through member B of the Baumann Fiord Formation on the Bache Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada, contain a range of lithofacies indicating deposition in shallow subtidal settings above storm wave base. Macrofossils are generally rare, but low-diversity trilobite...
Malone, S.J., 2012, Tectonic evolution of northern Ellesmere Island: Insights from the Pearya Terrane, Ellesmerian Clastic Wedge and Sverdrup Basin [Ph.D. thesis]: University of Iowa, 276 p., https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/3496/ (accessed January 2018)....
J. (1997). Evidence for non-anadromous behaviour of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, based on scanning proton microprobe analysis of otolith strontium distribution. Arctic 50, 224 - 233....
Lake Ellesmere, a large coastal lake in the South Island of New Zealand, supports an important commercial eel fishery, based mainly on migrating (silver) male Anguilla australis . Lengths of silver female eels from samples collected in 1942, 1974–1982 and 1998–1999 showed an initial decline ...
The present study investigated the potential of depletion fishing using baited fyke nets to obtain population estimates of longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray, in a river in the South Island of New Zealand. The...doi:10.1080/00288330.1996.9516724D. J. Jellyman...