The foundation stone of Ellesmere College, formerly known as St. Oswald's School, was laid on St. Oswald's Day, August 5th, 1879, and the school was opened on the same date in 1884. The founder was Canon Nathaniel Woodard who began a chain of Woodard Foundation Schools. The land upon...
艾利思密尔学院(Ellesmere College)始建于1884年,是英国什罗普郡一所男女混合型寄宿制学院。学生年龄为8-18岁。学院的成功在于高质量的教学体制以及广泛的课外活动,帮助学生无论在艺术、体育或是在课外活动上都能得到全方位的锻炼。艾利思密尔学院是Woodard实业的集团会员之一,是英国最大型的私立学院集团。学院提供日...
Ellesmere College Doha will be a beacon of learning, preparing students for global challenges and opportunities.” Ellesmere College works in close partnership with Ellesmere College Doha. Whilst the Doha campus is an independent institution in its own right, with its own management teams and ...
Ellesmere College(埃尔斯米尔学校)原名St. Oswald's School(圣奥斯瓦尔德学校),始建于1879年,拥有超百年的历史,坐落于什罗普郡乡村,占地面积有150英亩,是一所招收7-18岁学生的混校,目前在读学生有593名,超过40%的学生为寄宿生。校长Brendan Wignall从1996年任职至今,超过20年的任职时长也让校长将学校视...
Ellesmere College Virtual Tour We hope you enjoy our 'Virtual Tour' and we look forward to welcoming you in person, once we are fully open again; in the typical workings of Ellesmere life - every day is an Open Day! The Admissions Team are available and waiting to help and support you ...
今天牛牛要探访的是Ellesmere College(埃尔斯米尔学校),学校不仅同时提供A-Level和IB,而且还是英国为数不多的SAT考试中心之一,除此之外学校还能够提供BTEC(国家职业运动文凭),是世界运动学院(世界上仅九所认证学校),赶快跟着牛牛一起走进这所学校吧! 1.学校介绍 ...
综合来看,Ellesmere College(埃尔斯米尔学校)是一所非常不错的过渡型学校,无论是积极正面的校园环境还是对于国际生在英语方面的支持和指导,这所学校都做的非常不错。3.综合评分 Ellesmere College(埃尔斯米尔学校)在学术方面可以给到3.5分,安全性5分,寄宿环境4分,课外活动3.5分,入学难度3分。学术给到3....
With many areas of the Boarding life at Ellesmere College being described as 'outstanding' it is no wonder many pupils choose to board here. Ellesmere is progressive in its thinking and offers boarding based on age group (Middle and the Sixth Form). This allows boarders to grow and learn ...
Ellesmere College(埃尔斯米尔学校),原名St. Oswald‘s School,成立于1879年,已有超过百年的历史。学校坐落在什罗普郡的乡村,占地150英亩,是一所混合性学校,招收7-18岁的学生。目前在校学生有593名,其中超过40%的学生选择寄宿。校训是拉丁语:“ProPatria Dimicans”(为国家的繁荣而奋斗)💪🏻。Ellesmere不仅提供A...