young starlets like carey mulligan, gabourey sidibe, and saoirse ronan... by lindsay talbot december daily gift guide: rotary telephone lately, i've been a little nostalgic for old-school telephones. maybe it had something to do with seeing ellen page yap away on her hamburger phone when i...
1987年2月21日出生于加拿大新斯科舍省省府哈利法克斯,她从很小时就意识到自己喜欢表演,10岁进入当地著名的Neptune Theatre School学习,同年即被温暖感人的电视剧《Pit Pony》挑中,该片为爱伦·佩基在2000年赢得了“最佳剧情类电视剧新演员奖(女)”(Young Artist Award - Best Performance in a TV ...
1987年2月21日出生于加拿大新斯科舍省省府哈利法克斯,她从很小时就意识到自己喜欢表演,10岁进入当地著名的Neptune Theatre School学习,同年即被温暖感人的电视剧《Pit Pony》挑中,该片为爱伦·佩基在2000年赢得了“最佳剧情类电视剧新演员奖(女)”(Young Artist Award - Best Performance in a TV Dr...
Ellen Young. Producer: Forgotten Founders: David Hempstead, Senior. Ellen Young is known for Forgotten Founders: David Hempstead, Senior (2023).
据国外媒体报道,当地时间2月14日,现年26岁的女星艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 在拉斯维加斯的人权活动THRIVE上公开出柜,该活动旨在保障年轻同性恋团体的权益。 艾伦·佩吉曾出演过《朱诺》、《盗梦空间》等片,《朱诺》更为她获得了第80届奥斯卡奖的提名。她的新片计划中除了即将上映的《X战警:未来昔日》,还将与实力派...
With the help of an enigmatic coach who returns to the spotlight after her own GamerGate scandal, the young woman recruits an unlikely crew of unskilled misfits to kick some serious gamer butt. Berelc is playing the college student while Page is the coach. BuzzFeed’s Richard Alan Reid is ...
After an Oscar nomination at 20 years old, blockbusters and superhero franchises came calling for Ellen Page. But it took another decade for Ellen Page to feel able to speak up about injustice, Hollywood’s homophobia and her own sexuality. Now there’s
据国外媒体报道,当地时间2月14日,现年26岁的女星艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 在拉斯维加斯的人权活动THRIVE上公开出柜,该活动旨在保障年轻同性恋团体的权益。 艾伦·佩吉曾出演过《朱诺》、《盗梦空间》等片,《朱诺》更为她获得了第80届奥斯卡奖的提名。她的新片计划中除了即将上映的《X战警:未来昔日》,还将与实力派...
I’ve had the pleasure of teaching alongside my own idols and meeting some of the most inspiring young artists I’ve ever met. Fun fact: the choruses of “Mantras” (the hit single off Every Feeling I've Ever Felt) were recorded as part of a group project at TPAP. Basically, there’...