In over 200 research articles and 13 books, including her best-selling books on mindfulness, Dr Langer has written extensively on the illusion of control, aging, stress, decision-making, and health without meditation. She is also a gallery-exhibiting artist. ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现正念练习 英文原版 Mindfulness 25th anniversary edition 专念 积极心理学的力量 正念如何应用于我们的生活 Ellen J. Langer的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于正念练习 英文原
[美]埃伦·兰格(Ellen J.Langer)著;黄 / 2012-09-01 / 浙江人民出版社 《专念创造力:学学艺术家的减法创意》以积极心理学家的专业知识和艺术家的敏锐力为你解开创意的密码,用专念创造力踢开阻碍创意的绊脚石。评价的魔咒、天赋的迷思、规则的怪圈……在埃伦?兰格6项艺术减法的启发之下,你不会再惧怕艺术创作...
“All of us who write books about psychology for a popular audience are aware that we stand on the shoulders of giants, and Ellen Langer is one of those giants.”—Malcolm Gladwell, author of Blink “No one in the history of psychology has done more than Ellen Langer in showing the powe...
Radical in its implications, this original and important work may change forever the views we hold about the nature of learning. InThe Power of Mindful Learning,Ellen Langer uses her innovative theory of mindulness, introduced in her influential earlier book, to dramatically enhance the way we...
Langer Wikipedia Ellen J. Langer Google It! Ellen J. Langer Other PeopleEllen Langer is a professor of Psychology at Harvard University. She is author of several books including Personal Politics, The Psychology of Control and Mindfulness and has written many journal articles. ...
Random House, Inc. Academic Resources | On Becoming an Artist by Ellen J. LangerEllen J. LangerBallantine Books
"Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and the Circuits of Abolitionist Poetry." Cohen and Stein 53-74.McGill, Meredith. "Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and the Circuits of Abolitionist Poetry." In Early African American Print Culture. Eds. Lara Langer Cohen and Jordan Alexander Stein, 53-74. Philadelphia...