她和☞陈冲主演百合电影☞《狂野边缘》(Wild Side); 她作为导演之一,执导并参与编剧☞《如果墙壁会说话2》中2000年的故事,该短剧由Ellen Degeneres和☞Sharon Stone主演。 那时候,她和女友Ellen每周都会花一天时间,去洛杉矶同性恋中心,与无家可归的青少年在一起,帮助他们建立自信心,和他们一起参与社区工作。
好莱坞女星Anne Heche因驾车失控,冲撞民宅导致严重烧伤,送医抢救一周后仍不治,于本地时间13日离世,享年53岁。她生前曾与Ellen DeGeneres有过一段情,高调女女恋曾轰动一时,如今得知噩耗,Ellen DeGeneres稍早也于Twitter哀悼。 Anne Heche 1997年与名主持人Ellen DeGeneres交往,那也是她第一次和女生交往,让她坦言“...
关于Ellen Degeneres (艾伦·德詹尼丝) 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯于1958年1月26日出生于新奥尔兰一个中产阶级家庭。她是美国著名脱口秀的喜剧演员,电视节目主持和演员。而且艾伦是历史上唯一一位奥斯卡(AcademyAwards),格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)和艾美奖(Emmy Awards)都主持过的的主持人。 在1997年艾伦公开了自己的...
Ellen DeGeneres, Rosanna Arquette and more pay tribute to Anne Heche, who has died at the age of 53.
Anne Heche跟Ellen DeGeneres在1997年到2000年交往,正好就是Ellen公开出柜,是好莱坞首个公开出柜的女 同。她出柜后的第一段公开恋情就是跟Anne Heche。她们这一对是当时最火的一对明星情侣。 两人在2000年分手,官方说法是和平分手,但是,小道消息传Anne在Ellen巡演的时候认识了男摄影师,两人好上了,Anne为此甩了Ellen...
这个全世界最酷的女人就是艾伦(Ellen DeGeneres)——这个名字或许你会有点陌生,但是你绝对听过那个...
Ellen DeGeneresis sending her love toAnne Heche's family. The former talk show host took to Twitter on Friday to express that "this is a sad day." "I'm sending Anne's children, family and friends all my love," her tweet continued. The message was posted just moments before ET confirm...
Anne Heche isn't holding back. In one of her recent TikTok videos. Heche hilariously reviewed her "most iconic fashion looks" from over the years, including one of her and ex-girlfriend Ellen DeGeneres -- which inspired her to share an interesting tidbit about their relationship....
“This is a sad day,” DeGeneres wrote on Twitter. “I’m sending Anne’s children, family and friends all of my love.” Heche reflected in 2020 on her groundbreaking relationship with DeGeneres, tellingMr. Warburton magazine,“Our time was a beautiful part of my life and one that I wea...