In each case a bifunctional compound could be found, which is capable of reacting with the model. The resulting products could be fixed on a telomer. The results with the model compounds were applied to the fixation of the carboxylic drug indometacin....
Die Makromolekulare ChemieBauduin, G, Bessière, JM, Bondon, D, Martel, J, Pietrasanta, Y (1982) Recherche de telomeres à activité pharmacologique potentielle. 5. Reactions sur les telomères de l’acide acrylique. Makromol. Chem 183: pp. 3491...
A general SCF-LCAO theory for computation of the electronic structure in conjugated polymeric species is described. A computer program, POLYCOD, has been programmed and a short description is included at the end of this paper. Es leitet sich eine allgemeine Matrixgleichung aus der Kristalorbital...
doi:10.1016/j.ando.2008.12.012F. Castinetti a I. MorangeN. DuboisF. AlbarelB. Conte-DevolxH. DufourT. BrueELSEVIERAnnales Dendocrinologie
doi:10.1112/blms/16.1.76Elworthy, K. DOxford University PressBulletin of the London Mathematical Society
On déduit une formulation matricielle générale de la méthode des orbitales cristallines autocohérentes (LCAO-SCF-CO). L'organisation du programme de calcul correspondant (POLYCOD) est décrite dans la dernière partie de ce travail. A general SCF-LCAO theory for computation of the ...
The induction of a ventricular tachycardia (VT) after myocardial infarction (MI) is associated with a high risk of VT and sudden death (SD) in asymptomatic patients; the purpose of the study was to know if syncope modifies the results of programmed ventricular stimulation (PVS) and the ...
Dubert, J.‐MServices de Biochimie Cellulaire et de Génétique Cellulaire Institut Pasteur 25 rue du Docteur Roux 75 Paris‐15, FranceBabinet, CServices de Biochimie Cellulaire et de Génétique Cellulaire Institut Pasteur 25 rue du Docteur Roux 75 Paris‐15, France...
The I – U characteristics of Al Al 2 O 3 M sandwiches are studied as a function of electrode metal and oxygen pressure. There are three types of behaviour: With M = Au, Al, Pd existence of RDN after electroforming in vacuum only; with M = Cr, Mo, Ta electroforming is impossible; ...