Ellbogengelenk eines Menschenhnlichen Roboters Elbow joint of a human-like robotHiroshi MatsudaHideaki Takahashii
Kunstlicher Muskel bewegt Ellbogengelenk 机译:人造肌肉移动肘关节 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Am Fraunhofer IPA ist ein vollig neues Design fur Roboterarme geschaffen worden, das sich auf aktive Prothesen und Exoskelette ubertragen lasst. Kernstu...
ellbogengelenkverbindung with a einstückigen gelenkarmpaar with corresponding spannschellenElbow joint for connecting rigid tubular sections (C, B) by means of flexible tubular sections (D), constituted by two pairs of arms (6, 6a) mutually articulated; each pair of arms being in a single ...
An elongated shaft is arranged to be inserted into the ulna with one end projecting out of the ulna and extending through the slot into the sliding member.DOERRE, ERHARD, DR., PLOCHINGEN, DEPRUESSNER, PETER, ING.GRAD., DIETZENBACH, DEZICHNER, LUDWIG, DR., FRANKFURT, DE...
ellbogengelenk a human like robotAn upper arm portion (16) and a lower arm portion (17) are connected to each other by a substantially cylindrical elbow joint (20), and are bendable between an extended position in which they are extended into a substantially straight line and a bent ...
anti shock for knee or ellbogengelenka stoschutzpanzerung for knee or ellbogengelenke is used with the rail members and their gelenkspalt abdeckender bowl and associated zentriereinrichtungen equipped and is particularly suited for theWEIGL, ADOLF, HAMBURG, DE...
a device for the passive mobilization of the ellbogengelenkes of patients after surgery or injury has a handauflage (28), an arm supporting oberarmschale (26) and a forearm supporting unterarmschale (KNOLL, ERNST, UMKIRCH, DEBLAUTH, WALTER, PROF. DR.MED., KIEL, DE...
189. Isoelastische Prothesen des EllbogengelenkesThe indication for prosthetic elbow replacement must be limited to cases in which gross resection or arthrodesis is the only alternative. The main problem is that the implant loosens since fixation is subject to the considerable forces exerted by the...
knee - or ellbogengelenkprotheseGEORGE AVERILL,ROBERTKHOWAYLO,ALEX
207. Indikatorische Probleme bei der Behandlung ellbogengelenksnaher Brüche im WachstumsalterFractures of the elbow in childhood are usually treated by operative methods. The various techniques are discussed. Extensive use is made of slides for the purpose of illustration, and attention is drawn to...