What is the meaning of the nameElla? The name Ella is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that meansYoung Girl. Ella is a name in itself, but can also be the short form of Eleanor. Ella may also be a Greek name when a variation of Hellas, the Greek name for Greece. In Hebr...
Ella name meaning and origin Ella is a short and flowy name with multiple known meanings, depending on which origin you consider. Some sources say the name comes from an old German word alia, meaning "all," or alja meaning "other," while others point to modern Hebrew, where Ella means ...
The meaning of ASTERIONELLA is a small genus of narrowly linear diatoms (family Fragilariaceae) arranged in stellate free-floating colonies and often causing geraniumlike or fishy odors in public water supplies.
The meaning of EUPLECTELLA is a genus of hyalosponges comprising the Venus's-flower-basket, having a skeleton of interwoven siliceous spicules, and growing in the form of a cornucopia.
Our Chalet is called "Onella", meaning "Light" in Greek, because it lights up every morning with the first ray of sunlight. Property Layout: * 1600 sq. ft. duplex cottage comprising 3 Bedrooms (one on the ground floor & two on the first floor) * There are 2 bathrooms (not attached...
Ella's name is a play on the Latin wordAella, meaningharpy. Ella talks in the third person. The Heroes of Olympus Core Series:The Lost Hero|The Son of Neptune|The Mark of Athena|The House of Hades|The Blood of Olympus Main Characters:Jason Grace|Piper McLean|Leo Valdez|Percy Jackson|Fr...
Apoella derives from the Greek phrase “Apo Ellada” (apo Hellas) meaning “From Greece”. Established in Crete in 2014, the Apoella brand opts to offer a highly curated selection of brands from Greece and all over the world that capture the ultimate ele
However, most can be described as either centric, meaning radially symmetrical, or pennate, meaning elongate and bilaterally symmetrical. The latter are much more common than the former. Not all can be recognized as easily falling into one or the other of these categories, but looking at ...
The meaning of CLYMENELLA is a genus of polychaete worms common in shallow waters of the northern Atlantic coasts.
, and originally meaning the same, "spacious room set apart for reception of company or artistic display." The specific sense of "large hall in a public place for entertainment or amusement" is from 1747; especially cornerlate 13c., "place where streets or walls meet;" early 14c., "...