I am proud of the resiliency of the Elk Grove Police Department, the integrity of our profession, and the partnerships we have maintained within the City of Elk Grove. Together, united, we will accomplish everything! The City of Elk Grove is situated just south of Sacramento; it is the se...
Cost of Public Works Project Dismays Elk Grove OfficialsRead the full-text online article and more details about "Cost of Public Works Project Dismays Elk Grove Officials" by Granderson, Kimbriell - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), March 18, 1999By GrandersonKimbriell...
Post 233– Elk Grove meets monthly, in person, on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Our meetings are currently being held at the Elks Lodge at 9240 Survey Road, Elk Grove, CA.Please join us for dinner before the meeting at 6:00 pm. ...
Elk Grove Village to Review Bids for Public Works FacilityByline: Ames Boykin Daily Herald Staff WriterBoykin, Ames
Elk Grove approves project to redo public works building.(News)Braverman, Amy
Elk Grove Public Works Employees Threaten Strike If Deal Falls ThroughByline: Diana Wallace Daily Herald Staff Writer Picketing public works employees in Elk...Wallace, Diana
Elk Grove to make its own village improvements Using public works for beautification project will save $250,000.(Neighbor)Byline: Ames Boykin Daily Herald Staff Writer Some of the work to beautify Elk Grove Village...Boykin, Ames