Many people CBS 13 talked with who live and walk around Elk Grove Unified schools said the bigger issue is too many cars all trying to pick up and drop off at the same time creating traffic jams. "There's just so many schools within each other," said Ashbey Alegre, who lives in Elk...
ELK GROVE – Officers say a suspect in a stolen car crashed into a golf course pond while trying to get away in Elk Grove Friday morning. The Elk Grove Police Department said, around 9:40 a.m., officers spotted a car near Laguna and Big Horn boulevards that had been r...
ELK GROVE - The Elk Grove Police Department has made its second big bust this month on street racers. Law enforcement agencies up and down the state have been cracking down on this illegal activity, but it is also impacting the car community. "It kind of disheartens me having a car in...
Elk Grove Police tell us they are looking into more long-term solutions for neighbors and hope to give us more details about what those are soon. After opening night, Elk Grove PD says they've received zero complaint calls.