Overview of Elk Grove Charter Elk Grove Charter is ranked 1,231st within California. The total minority enrollment is 73%, and 46% of students are economically disadvantaged. Elk Grove Charter is 1 of 15 high schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District. Elk ...
Elk Grove Charter 10065 Atkins Dr. Elk Grove, California 95757 #1,231 in California High Schools Laguna Creek High School 9050 Vicino Dr. Elk Grove, California 95758 #892 in California High Schools Monterey Trail High School 8661 Power Inn Rd. Elk Grove, California...
ElK Grove parents plan charter schoolBECKY BEAUPRE
Schools provided by the listing agent Elementary:Banner Elk High:Avery County Source: High Country AOR. This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. Show more ...
9 - 12Elk Grove Unified School District 9050 Vicino Drive, Elk Grove, CA, 95758 Tel:(916) 683-1339 7 7out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 2,115 Students 21: 1 Students : Teacher Student to teacher ratio of21to 1 See homes for sale and rentnearLaguna Creek High School ...
Schools provided by the listing agent Elementary: ELK GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Middle: ELK GROVE CHARTER SCHOOL High: ELK GROVE HIGH SCHOOL Source: The MLS. This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. Show more Get...
Elk Grove Charter School
Charter School Opposition Weakens in Elk Grove TwpByline: Vince Galloro Daily Herald Staff Writer When Elk Grove Township school board members...By GalloroVince
Newest Charter School Plan Nixed by Elk Grove Dist. 59Read the full-text online article and more details about "Newest Charter School Plan Nixed by Elk Grove Dist. 59" by Wallace, Diana - Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), June 10, 1997By WallaceDiana...
Elk Grove Township School Board Lashes State for Charter DecisionGalloro, Vince