英国1995年20便士 现在流通的英国辅币,分为半便士(half penny,于1985年停止流通),1便士,2便士,5便士,10便士,20便士,一克郎(25便士,于1990年停止流通),50便士,1镑,2镑,5镑(1990年后叫克郎)。所有硬币正面皆为英国君主像,背面除铸有币值外,在不同行政区所铸的硬币铸有不同的图...
In the time of king Edward the Confessor, it was worth twenty-eight pounds, and afterwards sixteen pounds, now twenty-eight pounds.Of this manor Robert Latin holds one yoke, which is worth five shillings. To make clear the process by which the monks of St Augustine’s held on to the ...