A summary of some of the most important achievements of Elizabeth I of England. Before the start of her reign, England had been weakened by war and religious strife. By the end of it, the country was rich and secure and enjoying its greatest literary per
‘And to me it shall be a full satisfaction, both for the memorial of my Name, and for my Glory also, if when I shall let my last breath, it be ingraven upon my Marble Tomb, Here lieth Elizabeth, which Reigned a Virgin, and died a Virgin.’ Elizabeth I to Parliament, 1559 Eliza...
presenting Elizabeth I with an annual New Year’s gift of sweet bags – these may have been quite small, as they could have been to contain potpurri to keep some of the less pleasant smells of court life at nose length. He began making his gifts in 1561...
First things first, I go in search of wine glasses, which are nicely stamped with the name of the event, and I am given a small pot of a traditional “amuse-bouche” for each person in our party. This is like a rose water sorbet / mousse consistency and I believe it is known as ...
I don’t know if the use of these names originated in France or elsewhere. Assuming the use may have originated in France, a link to the notion of powerful kings is that the early years of the 1700s were the latter years of the reign of an absolute monarch, Louise X1V. French ...
Charlie Chaplin holds a record for being thefilm star with the most biographies, with over 259 book-length works written about him. 1961 – John F. Kennedy The Queen met 13 of the last 14 US presidents during her life (Lyndon B. Johnson was the unlucky one who missed out). ...
Now, 60 years later, award-winning “Hillary” filmmaker Nanette Burstein offers “the most intimate portrait of the actress to date” with a new feature-length documentary with Taylor in her own words, in addition to personal photos, home movies, news footage, film clips, and more. “...
A new feature of manor houses was the long gallery running the length of the upper floor. It was a place for walks, games, and displaying art. There were few passages; one room opened directly into the next. This also meant that privacy tended to be a foreign concept to most people....
Gertrude "Queen of the Waves" Ederle did what only five men had done before her when she swamthe 35-mile length of the English Channelon Aug. 6, 1926. An Olympic gold medalist, Erdele first attempted the swim between England and France in 1925, but she didn't let her failure prevent ...
Stretched along the middle length of the long, narrow room are picnic tables, the sort that get stacked in village halls for events, joined end to end to accommodate the community meal this evening. It’s organized as an “Auberge Espagnole” which for the uninitiated is a gathering in whic...