Queen Elizabeth I of England was a very powerful ruler. During her reign, which of the following was a major achievement? A. She completely defeated the Spanish Armada. B. She made England a part of the Roman Empire. C. She built the Great Wall of England. D. She made all the ...
ElizabethIofEngland BriefindrouctionsGovernmentReligionForeignaffaircommment ElizabethI(7September1533–24March1603)wasqueenregnantofEnglandandIrelandfrom17November1558untilherdeath.SometimescalledTheVirginQueen,Gloriana,orGoodQueenBess,Queen,Gloriana,Bess,ElizabethwasthefifthandlastmonarchoftheTudordynasty.dynasty....
Elizabeth I of England and Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth’s childhood was not totally devoid of comfort. She developed a devoted little court and a clutch of servants who would stay with her for decades. Governess Kat Ashley would be like a mother to Elizabeth,taking"great labor and pain...
elizabeth 1伊利莎白一世英文介绍课件.ppt,Elizabeth I of England;;Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603) was queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. Sometimes called The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, or Good Queen Bes
A summary of some of the most important achievements of Elizabeth I of England. Before the start of her reign, England had been weakened by war and religious strife. By the end of it, the country was rich and secure and enjoying its greatest literary per
Tudor monarchs. She never married and consciously styled herself as the Virgin Queen, wedded to the nation. Her reign was marked by immense growth for England, especially in world power and cultural influence. Fast Facts: Queen Elizabeth I ...
Queen Elizabeth I of England, the reign of time is November 17, 1559 to March 24, 1603 during the reign of Elizabeth I of England tend to create the most powerful and important country for a period. In England during the reign of her culture to achieve a top front, through the wool ...
Queen Elizabeth I | Biography, Reign & England's Golden Age from Chapter 14 / Lesson 2 163K Explore England's Golden Age reigned by Queen Elizabeth I. Learn about England's Queen Elizabeth I, her sibling, and her great influence on the economy durin...
REIGN of Elizabeth I, England, 1558-1603PROTESTANT literaturePROTESTANT churches -- RelationsGERMAN religionsBRITISH religionsINTERNATIONAL relationsThis article examines a wide range of theological writings by Germans and theologians trained in Germany published in England during the reign of Queen ...
1、The Farewell Speech by Queen ElizabethI of EnglandMr Speaker,We have heard your declaration and perceive your care of our estate. I do assure you there is no prince that loves his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our love. There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a...