export LXR_DATA_DIR=/srv/elixir-data/linux/data 使环境变量生效 source /etc/profile 下载配置kernel源码 下载kernel源码(建议使用清华大学开源镜像站:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/kernel/) (以5.15内核为例,可以根据需要自行调整) wget https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/kernel/v5.x/linux-5....
这样做虽没有任何问题,但确实让代码变得杂乱了一些,原本优雅的管道变得不美观。 在Kernel 模块中新增的tap/2函数和then/2函数便能优雅处理这个现象: "hello world"|>tap(&IO.puts/1)|>then(&Regex.scan(~r/\w+/,&1)) 现在你不需要再为一点短小逻辑在管道中立即调用匿名函数,也不需要为此专门创建一个函数...
some_list|>length()|>Kernel.==(0)|>if(do:do_something())如果… Elixir(Erlang)是单线程的吗? 知乎用户OTZg8B 简单回答:Noooooooo! 复杂回答: 以下提到“进程”(process),如非特别说明,都指 BEAM 进程(即 Erlang/Elixir内部的… 阅读全文 ...
sudo apt-get install libxml2-utils 解包后执行以下命令,其中--enable-smp-support选项用于打开多处理器支持,--enable-kernel-poll选项用于打开epoll支持 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/erlang --enable-smp-support --enable-threads --enable-kernel-poll --enable-hipe --without-javac centOS版本:6.2 由...
Homebrew for Mac OS X Update your homebrew to latest with brew update Install Elixir: brew install elixir Fedora 17+ and Fedora Rawhide sudo yum -y install elixir Arch Linux (on AUR) yaourt -S elixir openSUSE (and SLES 11 SP3+)
Operating System: Linux CPU Information: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor Number of Available Cores: 24 Available memory: 31.25 GB Elixir 1.16.0-rc.1 Erlang 26.1.2 JIT enabled: true Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration: warmup: 2 s time: 10 s memory time: 2 s...
Arch Linux (on AUR) yaourt -S elixir openSUSE ( SLES 11 SP3+) 添加Erlang 依赖库zypper ar -f obs://devel:languages:erlang/ erlang 安装Elixir:zypper in elixir Gentoo emerge --ask dev-lang/elixir Chocolatey (Windows) cinst elixir 如果你没有使用上述的发行版,不用担心,我们还提供了Elixir的预...
Episode 243 ofThinking Elixir. News includes the announcement of PythonX for Python interoperability in Elixir, groundbreaking academic work on compiling Elixir to eBPF for Linux kernel-level operations, and exciting AI-powered Phoenix application demos from Chris McCord. We also dive into the current...
Elixir Cross Referencer - kernel_write identifier references search for Linux v6.12.6. Defined as a prototype in include/linux/fs.h. Defined as a function in fs/read_write.c. Referenced in 18 fi
cassius - Monitor Linux file system events. dir_walker - DirWalker lazily traverses one or more directory trees, depth first, returning successive file names. elixgrep - A framework for doing Hadoop style Map/Reduce operations on collections of files. ex_guard - ExGuard is a mix command to...