Elixir可以在多种操作系统上运行,包括Linux、macOS和Windows。 2. 检查Elixir是否已安装 在终端中尝试运行以下命令来检查Elixir是否已安装: bash elixir --version 如果这个命令返回了Elixir的版本号,那么Elixir已经安装。如果返回“command not found”错误,则表明Elixir尚未安装。
171 0 0 5 months ago elixir-debian/492 Debian packaging of Elixir 171 14 40 10 months ago pelemay/493 Pelemay is a native compiler for Elixir, which generates SIMD instructions. It has a plan to generate for GPU code. 170 12 4 5 years ago blacksmith/494 Data generation framework for ...
在Elixir中制作和部署防弹嵌入式软件Host RequirementsMac操作系统10.10+64-bitLinux(在Debian/Ubuntu/Redhat/CentOS/Arch上测试)Windows 10和Windows Subsystem for Linux(实验性)树莓皮3(实验)长生不老药~>1.7有关软件依赖项,请参阅安装文档。Quick-Reference...
Now replace/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.confwithdocker/000-default.conf. Note: If using httpd (RedHat/Centos) instead of apache2 (Ubuntu/Debian), the default config file to edit is/etc/httpd/conf.d/elixir.conf. Finally, start the httpd server. ...
GNU/LinuxMost distributions, today, will have Elixir in their repositories and this is the preferred way to install Elixir. Installing Elixir from your distribution's repositories will also take care of installing Erlang.If you are using a Red Hat-based distribution of GNU/Linux, you can use ...
Docker错误: standard_init_linux.go:185: exec用户进程导致“没有这样的文件或目录” 、、、 我正在尝试将我的带有postgresql数据库的elixir-phoenix应用程序设置为与Docker一起运行。这是我的Dockerfile的样子:# https://hub.docker.com/_/elixir/ ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=no 浏览...
Mac安装 如果您安装了Homebrew ,请确保它是最新版本,要更新,请使⽤以下命令- brew update 现在,使⽤下⾯给出的命令安装Elixir- brew install elixir Ubuntu/Debian安装 在Ubuntu/Debian安装程序中安装Elixir的步骤如下- 添加Erlang Solutions仓库- wget /erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo dpkg -i erlang-...
source debianutils/Config.in source klibc-utils/Config.in source editors/Config.in source findutils/Config.in source init/Config.in source loginutils/Config.in source e2fsprogs/Config.in source modutils/Config.in source util-linux/Config.in ...
//usage: //usage:#define ping_example_usage //usage: "$ ping localhost\n" //usage: "PING slag ( 56 data bytes\n" //usage: "64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=20.1 ms\n" //usage: "\n" //usage: "--- debian ping statistics ---\n" ...
Now replace/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.confwithdocker/000-default.conf. Note: If using httpd (RedHat/Centos) instead of apache2 (Ubuntu/Debian), the default config file to edit is/etc/httpd/conf.d/elixir.conf. Finally, start the httpd server. ...